"""Contains functions for interfacing with freesurfer
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import os
import shlex
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
import warnings
from builtins import input
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import nibabel
import numpy as np
from nibabel import gifti
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from . import anat, database
def get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, type="patch", freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Retrieve paths for all surfaces for a subject processed by freesurfer
subject : string
Subject ID for freesurfer subject
hemi : string ['lh'|'rh']
Left ('lh') or right ('rh') hemisphere
type : string ['patch'|'surf'|'curv']
Which type of files to return
freesurfer_subject_dir : string | None
Directory of freesurfer subjects. Defaults to the value for
the environment variable 'SUBJECTS_DIR' (which should be set
by freesurfer)
if freesurfer_subject_dir is None:
freesurfer_subject_dir = os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR']
base = os.path.join(freesurfer_subject_dir, fs_subject)
if type == "patch":
return os.path.join(base, "surf", hemi+".{name}.patch.3d")
elif type == "surf":
return os.path.join(base, "surf", hemi+".{name}")
elif type == "curv":
return os.path.join(base, "surf", hemi+".curv{name}")
elif type == "slim":
return os.path.join(base, "surf", hemi+".{name}_slim.obj")
def autorecon(fs_subject, type="all", parallel=True, n_cores=None):
"""Run Freesurfer's autorecon-all command for a given freesurfer subject
fs_subject : string
Freesurfer subject ID (should be a folder in your freesurfer $SUBJECTS_DIR)
type : string
Which steps of autorecon-all to perform. {'all', '1','2','3','cp','wm', 'pia'}
types = {
'all': 'autorecon-all',
'1': "autorecon1",
'2': "autorecon2",
'3': "autorecon3",
'cp': "autorecon2-cp",
'wm': "autorecon2-wm",
'pia': "autorecon-pial"}
times = {
'all': "12 hours",
'2': "6 hours",
'cp': "8 hours",
'wm': "4 hours"
if str(type) in times:
resp = input("recon-all will take approximately %s to run! Continue? "%times[str(type)])
if resp.lower() not in ("yes", "y"):
cmd = "recon-all -s {subj} -{cmd}".format(subj=fs_subject, cmd=types[str(type)])
if parallel and type in ('2', 'wm', 'all'):
# Parallelization only works for autorecon2 or autorecon2-wm
if n_cores is None:
import multiprocessing as mp
n_cores = mp.cpu_count()
cmd += ' -parallel -openmp {n_cores:d}'.format(n_cores=n_cores)
def flatten(fs_subject, hemi, patch, freesurfer_subject_dir=None, save_every=None):
"""Perform flattening of a brain using freesurfer
fs_subject : str
Freesurfer subject ID
hemi : str ['lh' | 'rh']
hemisphere to flatten
patch : str
name for freesurfer patch (used as `name` argument to format output
of `get_paths()`)
freesurfer_subject_dir : str
Freesurfer subjects directory location. None defaults to $SUBJECTS_DIR
save_every: int
If not None, this saves a version of the mesh every `save_every` iterations
of the flattening process. Useful for determining why a flattening fails.
To look into: link below shows how to give continuous output for a subprocess.
There maybe indications that a flattening is going badly that we could detect
in the stdout; perhaps even continuously update a visualization of the generated
files using segment.show_surface() with the outputs (triggered to update once stdout
shows that a flattening iteration has completed)
resp = input('Flattening takes approximately 2 hours! Continue? ')
if resp.lower() in ('y', 'yes'):
inpath = get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name=patch)
outpath = get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name=patch+".flat")
if save_every is None:
save_every_str = ''
save_every_str = ' -w %d'%save_every
cmd = "mris_flatten -O fiducial{save_every_str} {inpath} {outpath}".format(inpath=inpath, outpath=outpath, save_every_str=save_every_str)
print("Calling: ")
return True
print("Not going to flatten...")
return False
def import_subj(
"""Imports a subject from freesurfer
This will overwrite (after giving a warning and an option to continue) the
pre-existing subject, including all blender cuts, masks, transforms, etc., and
re-generate surface info files (curvature, sulcal depth, thickness) stored in
the surfinfo/ folder for the subject. All cached files for the subject will be
freesurfer_subject : str
Freesurfer subject name
pycortex_subject : str, optional
Pycortex subject name. By default it uses the freesurfer subject name.
It is advised to stick to that convention, if possible
(your life will go more smoothly.)
freesurfer_subject_dir : str, optional
Freesurfer subject directory to pull data from. By default uses the directory
given by the environment variable $SUBJECTS_DIR.
whitematter_surf : str, optional
Which whitematter surface to import as 'wm'. By default uses 'smoothwm', but
that surface is smoothed and may not be appropriate.
A good alternative is 'white'.
This function uses command line functions from freesurfer, so you should make sure
to have freesurfer sourced before running this function.
This function will also generate the fiducial surfaces for the subject, which are
halfway between the white matter and pial surfaces. The surfaces will be stored
in the freesurfer subject's directory. These fiducial surfaces are used for
cutting and flattening.
# Check if freesurfer is sourced or if subjects dir is passed
if freesurfer_subject_dir is None:
if "SUBJECTS_DIR" in os.environ:
freesurfer_subject_dir = os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"]
raise ValueError(
"Please source freesurfer before running this function, "
"or pass a path to the freesurfer subjects directory in "
fs_mri_path = os.path.join(freesurfer_subject_dir, freesurfer_subject, "mri")
fs_surf_path = os.path.join(freesurfer_subject_dir, freesurfer_subject, "surf")
fs_anat_template = os.path.join(fs_mri_path, "{name}.mgz")
fs_surf_template = os.path.join(fs_surf_path, "{hemi}.{name}")
# Now deal with pycortex
if pycortex_subject is None:
pycortex_subject = freesurfer_subject
# Create and/or replace extant subject. Throws a warning that this will happen.
filestore = os.path.join(database.default_filestore, pycortex_subject)
anat_template = os.path.join(filestore, "anatomicals", "{name}.nii.gz")
surf_template = os.path.join(filestore, "surfaces", "{name}_{hemi}.gii")
surfinfo_template = os.path.join(filestore, "surface-info", "{name}.npz")
# Dictionary mapping for volumes to be imported over from freesurfer
volumes_fs2pycortex = {"T1": "raw", "aseg": "aseg", "wm": "raw_wm"}
# Import volumes
for fsname, name in volumes_fs2pycortex.items():
in_volume = fs_anat_template.format(name=fsname)
out_volume = anat_template.format(name=name)
cmd = "mri_convert {path} {out}".format(path=in_volume, out=out_volume)
# (Re-)Make the fiducial files
# NOTE: these are IN THE FREESURFER $SUBJECTS_DIR !! which can cause confusion.
make_fiducial(freesurfer_subject, freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
# Dictionary mapping for surfaces to be imported over from freesurfer
surfaces_fs2pycortex = {
whitematter_surf: "wm",
"pial": "pia",
"inflated": "inflated",
# Import surfaces
for fsname, name in surfaces_fs2pycortex.items():
for hemi in ("lh", "rh"):
in_surface = fs_surf_template.format(hemi=hemi, name=fsname)
out_surface = surf_template.format(name=name, hemi=hemi)
# Use the --to-scanner flag to store the surfaces with the same coordinate
# system as the volume data, rather than the TKR coordinate system, which
# has the center set to FOV/2.
# NOTE: the resulting gifti surfaces will look misaligned with respect to
# the anatomical volumes when visualized in freeview, because freeview
# expects the surfaces to be in TKR coordinates (with center set to FOV/2).
# But the surfaces stored in the pycortex database are only to be used by
# pycortex, so that's fine.
cmd = f"mris_convert --to-scanner {in_surface} {out_surface}"
# Dictionary mapping for curvature and extra info to be imported
info_fs2pycortex = {
"sulc": "sulcaldepth",
"thickness": "thickness",
"curv": "curvature",
# Import curvature and extra information
for fsname, name in info_fs2pycortex.items():
in_info_lhrh = [
fs_surf_template.format(hemi=hemi, name=fsname) for hemi in ["lh", "rh"]
lh, rh = [parse_curv(in_info) for in_info in in_info_lhrh]
# Finally update the database by re-initializing it
database.db = database.Database()
def import_flat(fs_subject, patch, hemis=['lh', 'rh'], cx_subject=None,
flat_type='freesurfer', auto_overwrite=False,
freesurfer_subject_dir=None, clean=True):
"""Imports a flat brain from freesurfer
NOTE: This will delete the overlays.svg file for this subject, since THE
FLATMAPS WILL CHANGE, as well as all cached information (e.g. old flatmap
boundaries, roi svg intermediate renders, etc).
fs_subject : str
Freesurfer subject name
patch : str
Name of flat.patch.3d file; e.g., "flattenv01"
hemis : list
List of hemispheres to import. Defaults to both hemispheres.
cx_subject : str
Pycortex subject name
freesurfer_subject_dir : str
directory for freesurfer subjects. None defaults to environment variable
clean : bool
If True, the flat surface is cleaned to remove the disconnected polys.
if not auto_overwrite:
proceed = input(('Warning: This is intended to over-write .gii files storing\n'
'flatmap vertex locations for this subject, and will result\n'
'in deletion of the overlays.svg file and all cached info\n'
'for this subject (because flatmaps will fundamentally change).\n'
'Proceed? [y]/n: '))
if proceed.lower() not in ['y', 'yes', '']:
print(">>> Elected to quit rather than delete & overwrite files.")
if cx_subject is None:
cx_subject = fs_subject
surfs = os.path.join(database.default_filestore, cx_subject, "surfaces", "flat_{hemi}.gii")
from . import formats
for hemi in hemis:
if flat_type == 'freesurfer':
pts, polys, _ = get_surf(fs_subject, hemi, "patch", patch+".flat", freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
# Reorder axes: X, Y, Z instead of Y, X, Z
flat = pts[:, [1, 0, 2]]
# Flip Y axis upside down
flat[:, 1] = -flat[:, 1]
elif flat_type == 'slim':
flat_file = get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, type='slim',
flat_file = flat_file.format(name=patch + ".flat")
flat, polys = formats.read_obj(flat_file)
if clean:
polys = _remove_disconnected_polys(polys)
flat = _move_disconnect_points_to_zero(flat, polys)
fname = surfs.format(hemi=hemi)
print("saving to %s"%fname)
formats.write_gii(fname, pts=flat, polys=polys)
# clear the cache, per #81
# Remove overlays.svg file (FLATMAPS HAVE CHANGED)
overlays_file = database.db.get_paths(cx_subject)['overlays']
if os.path.exists(overlays_file):
# Regenerate it?
def _remove_disconnected_polys(polys):
"""Remove polygons that are not in the main connected component.
This function creates a sparse graph based on edges in the input.
Then it computes the connected components, and returns only the polygons
that are in the largest component.
This filtering is useful to remove disconnected vertices resulting from a
poor surface cut.
n_points = np.max(polys) + 1
import scipy.sparse as sp
# create the sparse graph
row = np.concatenate([
polys[:, 0], polys[:, 1], polys[:, 0],
polys[:, 2], polys[:, 1], polys[:, 2]
col = np.concatenate([
polys[:, 1], polys[:, 0], polys[:, 2],
polys[:, 0], polys[:, 2], polys[:, 1]
data = np.ones(len(col), dtype=bool)
graph = sp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(n_points, n_points),
# compute connected components
n_components, labels = sp.csgraph.connected_components(graph)
unique_labels, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
non_trivial_components = unique_labels[np.where(counts > 1)[0]]
main_component = unique_labels[np.argmax(counts)]
extra_components = non_trivial_components[non_trivial_components != main_component]
# filter all components not in the largest component
disconnected_pts = np.where(np.isin(labels, extra_components))[0]
disconnected_polys_mask = np.isin(polys[:, 0], disconnected_pts)
return polys[~disconnected_polys_mask]
def _move_disconnect_points_to_zero(pts, polys):
"""Change coordinates of points not in polygons to zero.
This cleaning step is useful after _remove_disconnected_polys, to
avoid using this points in boundaries computations (through pts.max(axis=0)
here and there).
mask = np.zeros(len(pts), dtype=bool)
mask[np.unique(polys)] = True
pts[~mask] = 0
return pts
def make_fiducial(fs_subject, freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Make fiducial surface (halfway between white matter and pial surfaces)
for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']:
spts, polys, _ = get_surf(fs_subject, hemi, "smoothwm", freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
ppts, _, _ = get_surf(fs_subject, hemi, "pial", freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
fname = get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, "surf", freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name="fiducial")
write_surf(fname, (spts + ppts) / 2, polys)
def parse_surf(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
#skip magic
comment = fp.readline()
verts, faces = struct.unpack('>2I', fp.read(8))
pts = np.fromstring(fp.read(4*3*verts), dtype='f4').byteswap()
polys = np.fromstring(fp.read(4*3*faces), dtype='i4').byteswap()
return pts.reshape(-1, 3), polys.reshape(-1, 3)
def write_surf(filename, pts, polys, comment=''):
"""Write freesurfer surface file
with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
fp.write(struct.pack('>2I', len(pts), len(polys)))
def write_patch(filename, pts, edges=None):
"""Writes a patch file that is readable by freesurfer.
Note this function is duplicated here and in blendlib. This function
writes freesurfer format, so seems natural to place here, but it
also needs to be called from blender, and the blendlib functions are
the only ones currently that can easily be called in a running
blender session.
filename : name for patch to write. Should be of the form
pts : array-like
points in the mesh
edges : array-like
edges in the mesh.
if edges is None:
edges = set()
with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
fp.write(struct.pack('>2i', -1, len(pts)))
for i, pt in pts:
if i in edges:
fp.write(struct.pack('>i3f', -i-1, *pt))
fp.write(struct.pack('>i3f', i+1, *pt))
def parse_curv(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
return np.fromstring(fp.read(), dtype='>f4').byteswap().newbyteorder()
def parse_patch(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
header, = struct.unpack('>i', fp.read(4))
nverts, = struct.unpack('>i', fp.read(4))
data = np.fromstring(fp.read(), dtype=[('vert', '>i4'), ('x', '>f4'),
('y', '>f4'), ('z', '>f4')])
assert len(data) == nverts
return data
def get_surf(subject, hemi, type, patch=None, flatten_step=None, freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Read freesurfer surface file
if type == "patch":
assert patch is not None
surf_file = get_paths(subject, hemi, 'surf', freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name='smoothwm')
surf_file = get_paths(subject, hemi, 'surf', freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name=type)
pts, polys = parse_surf(surf_file)
if patch is not None:
patch_file = get_paths(subject, hemi, 'patch', freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name=patch)
if flatten_step is not None:
patch_file += '%04d'%flatten_step
patch = parse_patch(patch_file)
verts = patch[patch['vert'] > 0]['vert'] - 1
edges = -patch[patch['vert'] < 0]['vert'] - 1
idx = np.zeros((len(pts),), dtype=bool)
idx[verts] = True
idx[edges] = True
valid = idx[polys.ravel()].reshape(-1, 3).all(1)
polys = polys[valid]
idx = np.zeros((len(pts),))
idx[verts] = 1
idx[edges] = -1
if type == "patch":
for i, x in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
pts[verts, i] = patch[patch['vert'] > 0][x]
pts[edges, i] = patch[patch['vert'] < 0][x]
return pts, polys, idx
return pts, polys, get_curv(subject, hemi, freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
def _move_labels(subject, label, hemisphere=('lh','rh'), fs_dir=None, src_subject='fsaverage'):
"""subject is a freesurfer subject"""
if fs_dir is None:
fs_dir = os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR']
for hemi in hemisphere:
srclabel = os.path.join(fs_dir, src_subject, 'label',
'{hemi}.{label}.label'.format(hemi=hemi, label=label))
trglabel = os.path.join(fs_dir, subject, 'label',
'{hemi}.{label}.label'.format(hemi=hemi, label=label))
if not os.path.exists(srclabel):
raise ValueError("Label {} doesn't exist!".format(srclabel))
fs_sub_dir = os.path.join(fs_dir, subject, 'label')
if not os.path.exists(fs_sub_dir):
raise ValueError("Freesurfer subject directory for subject ({}) does not exist!".format(fs_sub_dir))
cmd = ("mri_label2label --srcsubject {src_subject} --trgsubject {subject} "
"--srclabel {srclabel} --trglabel {trglabel} "
"--regmethod surface --hemi {hemi}")
cmd_f = cmd.format(hemi=hemi, subject=subject, src_subject=src_subject,
srclabel=srclabel, trglabel=trglabel)
print("Calling: ")
to_call = shlex.split(cmd_f)
proc = sp.Popen(to_call,
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
if stderr not in ('', b''):
raise Exception("Error in freesurfer function call:\n{}".format(stderr))
print("Labels transferred")
def _parse_labels(label_files, cx_subject):
"""Extract values from freesurfer label file(s) and map to vertices
label_files : str or list
full paths to label file or files to load
cx_subject : str
pycortex subject ID
if not isinstance(label_files, (list, tuple)):
label_files = [label_files]
verts = []
values = []
lh_surf, _ = database.db.get_surf(cx_subject, 'fiducial', 'left')
for fname in label_files:
with open(fname) as fid:
lines = fid.readlines()
lines = [[float(xx.strip()) for xx in x.split(' ') if xx.strip()] for x in lines[2:]]
vals = np.array(lines)
if '/lh.' in fname:
elif '/rh.' in fname:
verts.append(vals[:,0] + lh_surf.shape[0])
verts = np.hstack(verts)
values = np.hstack(values)
return verts, values
def get_label(cx_subject, label, fs_subject=None, fs_dir=None, src_subject='fsaverage', hemisphere=('lh', 'rh'), **kwargs):
"""Get data from a label file for fsaverage subject
cx_subject : str
A pycortex subject ID
label : str
Label name
fs_subject : str
Freesurfer subject ID, if different from pycortex subject ID
src_subject : str
Freesurfer subject ID from which to transfer the label.
fs_dir : str
Freesurfer subject directory; None defaults to OS environment variable
hemisphere : list | tuple
if fs_dir is None:
fs_dir = os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR']
os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = fs_dir
if fs_subject is None:
fs_subject = cx_subject
label_files = [os.path.join(fs_dir, fs_subject, 'label', '{}.{}.label'.format(h, label)) for h in hemisphere]
if cx_subject not in ['fsaverage', 'MNI']:
# If label file doesn't exist, try to move it there
print('looking for {}'.format(label_files))
if not all([os.path.exists(f) for f in label_files]):
print("Transforming label file to subject's freesurfer directory...")
_move_labels(fs_subject, label, hemisphere=hemisphere, fs_dir=fs_dir, src_subject=src_subject)
verts, values = _parse_labels(label_files, cx_subject)
idx = verts.astype(int)
return idx, values
def _mri_surf2surf_command(src_subj, trg_subj, input_file, output_file, hemi):
# mri_surf2surf --srcsubject <source subject name> --srcsurfval
# <sourcefile> --trgsubject <target suhject name> --trgsurfval <target
# file> --hemi <hemifield>
cmd = ["mri_surf2surf", "--srcsubject", src_subj,
"--sval", input_file,
"--trgsubject", trg_subj,
"--tval", output_file,
"--hemi", hemi,
return cmd
def _check_datatype(data):
dtype = data.dtype
if dtype == np.int64:
return np.int32
elif dtype == np.float64:
return np.float32
return dtype
def mri_surf2surf(data, source_subj, target_subj, hemi, subjects_dir=None):
"""Uses freesurfer mri_surf2surf to transfer vertex data between
two freesurfer subjects
data: ndarray, shape=(n_imgs, n_verts)
data arrays representing vertex data
source_subj: str
freesurfer subject name of source subject
target_subj: str
freesurfer subject name of target subject
hemi: str in ("lh", "rh")
string indicating hemisphere.
Requires path to mri_surf2surf or freesurfer environment to be active.
datatype = _check_datatype(data)
data_arrays = [gifti.GiftiDataArray(d, datatype=datatype) for d in data]
gifti_image = gifti.GiftiImage(darrays=data_arrays)
tf_in = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gii")
nibabel.save(gifti_image, tf_in.name)
tf_out = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gii')
cmd = _mri_surf2surf_command(source_subj, target_subj,
tf_in.name, tf_out.name, hemi)
if subjects_dir is not None:
env = os.environ.copy()
env['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = subjects_dir
env = None
print(' '.join(cmd))
p = sp.Popen(cmd, env=env)
exit_code = p.wait()
if exit_code != 0:
if exit_code == 255:
raise Exception(("Missing file (see above). "
"If lh.sphere.reg is missing,\n"
"you likely need to run the 3rd "
"stage of freesurfer autorecon\n"
"(sphere registration) for this subject:\n"
">>> cortex.freesurfer.autorecon('{fs_subject}', type='3')"
#from subprocess import CalledProcessError # handle with this, maybe?
raise Exception(("Exit code {exit_code} means that "
"mri_surf2surf failed").format(exit_code=exit_code))
output_img = nibabel.load(tf_out.name)
output_data = np.array([da.data for da in output_img.darrays])
return output_data
def get_mri_surf2surf_matrix(source_subj, hemi, surface_type,
target_subj='fsaverage', subjects_dir=None,
n_neighbors=20, random_state=0,
n_test_images=40, coef_threshold=None,
"""Creates a matrix implementing freesurfer mri_surf2surf command.
A surface-to-surface transform is a linear transform between vertex spaces.
Such a transform must be highly localized in the sense that a vertex in the
target surface only draws its values from very few source vertices.
This function exploits the localization to create an inverse problem for
each vertex.
The source neighborhoods for each target vertex are found by using
mri_surf2surf to transform the three coordinate maps from the source
surface to the target surface, yielding three coordinate values for each
target vertex, for which we find the nearest neighbors in the source space.
A small number of test images is transformed from source surface to
target surface.
For each target vertex in the transformed test images, a regression is
performed using only the corresponding source image neighborhood, yielding
the entries for a sparse matrix encoding the transform.
source_subj: str
Freesurfer name of source subject
hemi: str in ("lh", "rh")
Indicator for hemisphere
surface_type: str in ("white", "pial", ...)
Indicator for surface layer
target_subj: str, default "fsaverage"
Freesurfer name of target subject
subjects_dir: str, default os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"]
The freesurfer subjects directory
n_neighbors: int, default 20
The size of the neighborhood to take into account when estimating
the source support of a vertex
random_state: int, default 0
Random number generator or seed for generating test images
n_test_images: int, default 40
Number of test images transformed to compute inverse problem. This
should be greater than n_neighbors or equal.
coef_treshold: float, default 1 / (10 * n_neighbors)
Value under which to set a weight to zero in the inverse problem.
renormalize: boolean, default True
Determines whether the rows of the output matrix should add to 1,
implementing what is sensible: a weighted averaging
It turns out that freesurfer seems to do the following: For each target
vertex, find, on the sphere, the nearest source vertices, and average their
values. Try to be as one-to-one as possible.
source_verts, _, _ = get_surf(source_subj, hemi, surface_type,
transformed_coords = mri_surf2surf(source_verts.T,
source_subj, target_subj, hemi,
kdt = KDTree(source_verts)
print("Getting nearest neighbors")
distances, indices = kdt.query(transformed_coords.T, k=n_neighbors)
rng = (np.random.RandomState(random_state)
if isinstance(random_state, int) else random_state)
test_images = rng.randn(n_test_images, len(source_verts))
transformed_test_images = mri_surf2surf(test_images, source_subj,
target_subj, hemi,
# Solve linear problems to get coefficients
all_coefs = []
residuals = []
print("Computing coefficients")
i = 0
for target_activation, source_inds in zip(
transformed_test_images.T, indices):
i += 1
print("{i}".format(i=i), end="\r")
source_values = test_images[:, source_inds]
r = lstsq(source_values, target_activation,
overwrite_a=True, overwrite_b=True)
all_coefs = np.array(all_coefs)
if coef_threshold is None: # we know now that coefs are doing averages
coef_threshold = (1 / 10. / n_neighbors )
all_coefs[np.abs(all_coefs) < coef_threshold] = 0
if renormalize:
all_coefs /= np.abs(all_coefs).sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] + 1e-10
# there seem to be like 7 vertices that don't constitute an average over
# 20 vertices or less, but all the others are such an average.
# Let's make a matrix that does the transform:
col_indices = indices.ravel()
row_indices = (np.arange(indices.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis] *
np.ones(indices.shape[1], dtype='int')).ravel()
data = all_coefs.ravel()
shape = (transformed_coords.shape[1], source_verts.shape[0])
matrix = coo_matrix((data, (row_indices, col_indices)), shape=shape)
return matrix
def get_curv(fs_subject, hemi, type='wm', freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Load freesurfer curv file for a freesurfer subject
fs_subject : str
freesurfer subject identifier
hemi : str
'lh' or 'rh' for left or right hemisphere, respectively
type : str
'wm' or other type of surface (e.g. 'fiducial' or 'pial')
freesurfer_subject_dir : str
directory for Freesurfer subjects (defaults to value for the
environment variable $SUBJECTS_DIR if None)
if type == "wm":
curv_file = get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, 'curv', freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name='')
curv_file = get_paths(fs_subject, hemi, 'curv', freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir).format(name='.'+type)
return parse_curv(curv_file)
def show_surf(subject, hemi, type, patch=None, curv=True, freesurfer_subject_dir=None):
"""Show a surface from a Freesurfer subject directory
subject : str
Freesurfer subject name
hemi : str ['lh' | 'rh']
Left or right hemisphere
type :
patch :
curv : bool
freesurfer_subject_dir :
warnings.warn(('Deprecated and probably broken! Try `cortex.segment.show_surf()`\n'
'which uses a third-party program (meshlab, available for linux & mac\n'
'instead of buggy mayavi code!'))
from mayavi import mlab
from tvtk.api import tvtk
pts, polys, idx = get_surf(subject, hemi, type, patch, freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
if curv:
curv = get_curv(subject, hemi, freesurfer_subject_dir=freesurfer_subject_dir)
curv = idx
fig = mlab.figure()
src = mlab.pipeline.triangular_mesh_source(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], pts[:,2], polys, scalars=curv, figure=fig)
norms = mlab.pipeline.poly_data_normals(src, figure=fig)
norms.filter.splitting = False
surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(norms, figure=fig)
surf.parent.scalar_lut_manager.set(lut_mode='RdBu', data_range=[-1,1], use_default_range=False)
cursors = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter([0], [0], [0])
glyphs = mlab.pipeline.glyph(cursors, figure=fig)
glyphs.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source = glyphs.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_dict['axes']
fig.scene.background = (0,0,0)
fig.scene.interactor.interactor_style = tvtk.InteractorStyleTerrain()
path = os.path.join(os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'], subject)
def picker_callback(picker):
if picker.actor in surf.actor.actors:
npts = np.append(cursors.data.points.to_array(), [pts[picker.point_id]], axis=0)
cursors.data.points = npts
x, y, z = pts[picker.point_id]
with open(os.path.join(path, 'tmp', 'edit.dat'), 'w') as fp:
fp.write('%f %f %f\n'%(x, y, z))
picker = fig.on_mouse_pick(picker_callback)
picker.tolerance = 0.01
return fig, surf
def write_dot(fname, pts, polys, name="test"):
import networkx as nx
def iter_surfedges(tris):
for a,b,c in tris:
yield a,b
yield b,c
yield a,c
graph = nx.Graph()
lengths = []
with open(fname, "w") as fp:
fp.write("graph %s {\n"%name)
fp.write('node [shape=point,label=""];\n')
for a, b in graph.edges_iter():
l = np.sqrt(((pts[a] - pts[b])**2).sum(-1))
fp.write("%s -- %s [len=%f];\n"%(a, b, l))
def read_dot(fname, pts):
import re
parse = re.compile(r'\s(\d+)\s\[label="", pos="([\d\.]+),([\d\.]+)".*];')
data = np.zeros((len(pts), 2))
with open(fname) as fp:
el = fp.readline().split(' ')
while el[1] != '--':
x, y = el[2][5:-2].split(',')
data[int(el[0][1:])] = float(x), float(y)
el = fp.readline().split(' ')
return data
def write_decimated(path, pts, polys):
from .polyutils import boundary_edges, decimate
dpts, dpolys = decimate(pts, polys)
write_surf(path+'.smoothwm', dpts, dpolys)
edges = boundary_edges(dpolys)
data = np.zeros((len(dpts),), dtype=[('vert', '>i4'), ('x', '>f4'), ('y', '>f4'), ('z', '>f4')])
data['vert'] = np.arange(len(dpts))+1
data['vert'][edges] *= -1
data['x'] = dpts[:,0]
data['y'] = dpts[:,1]
data['z'] = dpts[:,2]
with open(path+'.full.patch.3d', 'w') as fp:
fp.write(struct.pack('>i', -1))
fp.write(struct.pack('>i', len(dpts)))
class SpringLayout(object):
def __init__(self, pts, polys, dpts=None, pins=None, stepsize=1, neighborhood=0):
self.pts = pts
self.polys = polys
self.stepsize = stepsize
pinmask = np.zeros((len(pts),), dtype=bool)
if isinstance(pins, (list, set, np.ndarray)):
pinmask[pins] = True
self.pins = pinmask
self.neighbors = [set() for _ in range(len(pts))]
for i, j, k in polys:
for _ in range(neighborhood):
_neighbors = copy.deepcopy(self.neighbors)
for v, neighbors in enumerate(self.neighbors):
for n in neighbors:
_neighbors[v] |= self.neighbors[n]
self.neighbors = _neighbors
for i in range(len(self.neighbors)):
self.neighbors[i] = list(self.neighbors[i] - set([i]))
if dpts is None:
dpts = pts
#self.kdt = cKDTree(self.pts)
self._next = self.pts.copy()
width = max(len(n) for n in self.neighbors)
self._mask = np.zeros((len(pts), width), dtype=bool)
self._move = np.zeros((len(pts), width, 3))
#self._mean = np.zeros((len(pts), width))
self._num = np.zeros((len(pts),))
self._dists = []
self._idx = []
for i, n in enumerate(self.neighbors):
self._mask[i, :len(n)] = True
self._dists.append(np.sqrt(((dpts[n] - dpts[i])**2).sum(-1)))
self._num[i] = len(n)
self._dists = np.hstack(self._dists)
self._idx = np.hstack(self._idx).astype(np.uint)
self._neigh = np.hstack(self.neighbors).astype(np.uint)
self.figure = None
def _spring(self):
svec = self.pts[self._neigh] - self.pts[self._idx]
slen = np.sqrt((svec**2).sum(-1))
force = (slen - self._dists) # / self._dists
svec /= slen[:,np.newaxis]
fvec = force[:, np.newaxis] * svec
self._move[self._mask] = self.stepsize * fvec
return self._move.sum(1) / self._num[:, np.newaxis]
def _estatic(self, idx):
dist, neighbors = self.kdt.query(self.pts[idx], k=20)
valid = dist > 0
mag = self.stepsize * (1 / dist)
diff = self.pts[neighbors] - self.pts[idx]
return (mag[valid] * diff[valid].T).T.mean(0)
def step(self):
move = self._spring()[~self.pins]
self._next[~self.pins] += move #+ self._estatic(i)
self.pts = self._next.copy()
return dict(x=self.pts[:,0],y=self.pts[:, 1], z=self.pts[:,2]), move
#self.kdt = cKDTree(self.pts)
def run(self, n=1000):
for _ in range(n):
def view_step(self):
from mayavi import mlab
if self.figure is None:
self.figure = mlab.triangular_mesh(self.pts[:,0], self.pts[:,1], self.pts[:,2], self.polys, representation='wireframe')
self.figure.mlab_source.set(x=self.pts[:,0], y=self.pts[:,1], z=self.pts[:,2])
def stretch_mwall(pts, polys, mwall):
inflated = pts.copy()
center = pts[mwall].mean(0)
radius = max((pts.max(0) - pts.min(0))[1:])
angles = np.arctan2(pts[mwall][:,2], pts[mwall][:,1])
pts[mwall, 0] = center[0]
pts[mwall, 1] = radius * np.cos(angles) + center[1]
pts[mwall, 2] = radius * np.sin(angles) + center[2]
return SpringLayout(pts, polys, inflated, pins=mwall)
def upsample_to_fsaverage(
data, data_space="fsaverage6", freesurfer_subjects_dir=None
"""Project data from fsaverage6 (or other fsaverage surface) to fsaverage to
visualize it in pycortex.
data : array (n_samples, n_vertices)
Data in space `space`. The first n_vertices/2 vertices correspond to the left
hemisphere, and the last n_vertices/2 vertices correspond to the right
data_space : str
One of fsaverage[1-6], corresponding to the source template space of `data`.
freesurfer_subjects_dir : str or None
Path to Freesurfer subjects directory. If None, defaults to the value of the
environment variable $SUBJECTS_DIR.
projected_data : array (n_samples, 327684)
Data projected to fsaverage(7).
Data in the lower resolution fsaverage template is upsampled to the full resolution
fsaverage template by nearest-neighbor interpolation. To project the data from a
lower resolution version of fsaverage, this code exploits the structure of fsaverage
surfaces. (That is, each hemisphere in fsaverage6 corresponds to the first
40,962 vertices of fsaverage; fsaverage5 corresponds to the first 10,242 vertices of
fsaverage, etc.)
def get_n_vertices_ico(icoorder):
return 4 ** icoorder * 10 + 2
ico_order = int(data_space[-1])
n_ico_vertices = get_n_vertices_ico(ico_order)
ndim = data.ndim
data = np.atleast_2d(data)
_, n_vertices = data.shape
if n_vertices != 2 * n_ico_vertices:
raise ValueError(
f"data has {n_vertices} vertices, but {2 * n_ico_vertices} "
f"are expected for both hemispheres in {data_space}"
if freesurfer_subjects_dir is None:
freesurfer_subjects_dir = os.environ.get("SUBJECTS_DIR", None)
if freesurfer_subjects_dir is None:
raise ValueError(
"freesurfer_subjects_dir must be specified or $SUBJECTS_DIR must be set"
data_hemi = np.split(data, 2, axis=-1)
hemis = ["lh", "rh"]
projected_data = []
for i, (hemi, dt) in enumerate(zip(hemis, data_hemi)):
# Load fsaverage sphere for this hemisphere
pts, faces = nibabel.freesurfer.read_geometry(
freesurfer_subjects_dir, "fsaverage", "surf", f"{hemi}.sphere.reg"
# build kdtree using only vertices in reduced fsaverage surface
kdtree = KDTree(pts[:n_ico_vertices])
# figure out neighbors in reduced version for all other vertices in fsaverage
_, neighbors = kdtree.query(pts[n_ico_vertices:], k=1)
# now simply fill remaining vertices with original values
np.concatenate([dt, dt[:, neighbors]], axis=-1)
projected_data = np.hstack(projected_data)
if ndim == 1:
projected_data = projected_data[0]
return projected_data
# aseg partition labels (up to 256 only)
fs_aseg_dict = {'Unknown': 0,
'Left-Cerebral-Exterior': 1,
'Left-Cerebral-White-Matter': 2,
'Left-Cerebral-Cortex': 3,
'Left-Lateral-Ventricle': 4,
'Left-Inf-Lat-Vent': 5,
'Left-Cerebellum-Exterior': 6,
'Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter': 7,
'Left-Cerebellum-Cortex': 8,
'Left-Thalamus': 9,
'Left-Thalamus-Proper': 10,
'Left-Caudate': 11,
'Left-Putamen': 12,
'Left-Pallidum': 13,
'3rd-Ventricle': 14,
'4th-Ventricle': 15,
'Brain-Stem': 16,
'Left-Hippocampus': 17,
'Left-Amygdala': 18,
'Left-Insula': 19,
'Left-Operculum': 20,
'Line-1': 21,
'Line-2': 22,
'Line-3': 23,
'CSF': 24,
'Left-Lesion': 25,
'Left-Accumbens-area': 26,
'Left-Substancia-Nigra': 27,
'Left-VentralDC': 28,
'Left-undetermined': 29,
'Left-vessel': 30,
'Left-choroid-plexus': 31,
'Left-F3orb': 32,
'Left-lOg': 33,
'Left-aOg': 34,
'Left-mOg': 35,
'Left-pOg': 36,
'Left-Stellate': 37,
'Left-Porg': 38,
'Left-Aorg': 39,
'Right-Cerebral-Exterior': 40,
'Right-Cerebral-White-Matter': 41,
'Right-Cerebral-Cortex': 42,
'Right-Lateral-Ventricle': 43,
'Right-Inf-Lat-Vent': 44,
'Right-Cerebellum-Exterior': 45,
'Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter': 46,
'Right-Cerebellum-Cortex': 47,
'Right-Thalamus': 48,
'Right-Thalamus-Proper': 49,
'Right-Caudate': 50,
'Right-Putamen': 51,
'Right-Pallidum': 52,
'Right-Hippocampus': 53,
'Right-Amygdala': 54,
'Right-Insula': 55,
'Right-Operculum': 56,
'Right-Lesion': 57,
'Right-Accumbens-area': 58,
'Right-Substancia-Nigra': 59,
'Right-VentralDC': 60,
'Right-undetermined': 61,
'Right-vessel': 62,
'Right-choroid-plexus': 63,
'Right-F3orb': 64,
'Right-lOg': 65,
'Right-aOg': 66,
'Right-mOg': 67,
'Right-pOg': 68,
'Right-Stellate': 69,
'Right-Porg': 70,
'Right-Aorg': 71,
'5th-Ventricle': 72,
'Left-Interior': 73,
'Right-Interior': 74,
'Left-Lateral-Ventricles': 75,
'Right-Lateral-Ventricles': 76,
'WM-hypointensities': 77,
'Left-WM-hypointensities': 78,
'Right-WM-hypointensities': 79,
'non-WM-hypointensities': 80,
'Left-non-WM-hypointensities': 81,
'Right-non-WM-hypointensities': 82,
'Left-F1': 83,
'Right-F1': 84,
'Optic-Chiasm': 85,
'Corpus_Callosum': 86,
'Left-Amygdala-Anterior': 96,
'Right-Amygdala-Anterior': 97,
'Dura': 98,
'Left-wm-intensity-abnormality': 100,
'Left-caudate-intensity-abnormality': 101,
'Left-putamen-intensity-abnormality': 102,
'Left-accumbens-intensity-abnormality': 103,
'Left-pallidum-intensity-abnormality': 104,
'Left-amygdala-intensity-abnormality': 105,
'Left-hippocampus-intensity-abnormality': 106,
'Left-thalamus-intensity-abnormality': 107,
'Left-VDC-intensity-abnormality': 108,
'Right-wm-intensity-abnormality': 109,
'Right-caudate-intensity-abnormality': 110,
'Right-putamen-intensity-abnormality': 111,
'Right-accumbens-intensity-abnormality': 112,
'Right-pallidum-intensity-abnormality': 113,
'Right-amygdala-intensity-abnormality': 114,
'Right-hippocampus-intensity-abnormality': 115,
'Right-thalamus-intensity-abnormality': 116,
'Right-VDC-intensity-abnormality': 117,
'Epidermis': 118,
'Conn-Tissue': 119,
'SC-Fat/Muscle': 120,
'Cranium': 121,
'CSF-SA': 122,
'Muscle': 123,
'Ear': 124,
'Adipose': 125,
'Spinal-Cord': 126,
'Soft-Tissue': 127,
'Nerve': 128,
'Bone': 129,
'Air': 130,
'Orbital-Fat': 131,
'Tongue': 132,
'Nasal-Structures': 133,
'Globe': 134,
'Teeth': 135,
'Left-Caudate/Putamen': 136,
'Right-Caudate/Putamen': 137,
'Left-Claustrum': 138,
'Right-Claustrum': 139,
'Cornea': 140,
'Diploe': 142,
'Vitreous-Humor': 143,
'Lens': 144,
'Aqueous-Humor': 145,
'Outer-Table': 146,
'Inner-Table': 147,
'Periosteum': 148,
'Endosteum': 149,
'R/C/S': 150,
'Iris': 151,
'SC-Adipose/Muscle': 152,
'SC-Tissue': 153,
'Orbital-Adipose': 154,
'Left-IntCapsule-Ant': 155,
'Right-IntCapsule-Ant': 156,
'Left-IntCapsule-Pos': 157,
'Right-IntCapsule-Pos': 158,
'Left-Cerebral-WM-unmyelinated': 159,
'Right-Cerebral-WM-unmyelinated': 160,
'Left-Cerebral-WM-myelinated': 161,
'Right-Cerebral-WM-myelinated': 162,
'Left-Subcortical-Gray-Matter': 163,
'Right-Subcortical-Gray-Matter': 164,
'Skull': 165,
'Posterior-fossa': 166,
'Scalp': 167,
'Hematoma': 168,
'Left-Cortical-Dysplasia': 180,
'Right-Cortical-Dysplasia': 181,
'Left-hippocampal_fissure': 193,
'Left-CADG-head': 194,
'Left-subiculum': 195,
'Left-fimbria': 196,
'Right-hippocampal_fissure': 197,
'Right-CADG-head': 198,
'Right-subiculum': 199,
'Right-fimbria': 200,
'alveus': 201,
'perforant_pathway': 202,
'parasubiculum': 203,
'presubiculum': 204,
'subiculum': 205,
'CA1': 206,
'CA2': 207,
'CA3': 208,
'CA4': 209,
'GC-DG': 210,
'HATA': 211,
'fimbria': 212,
'lateral_ventricle': 213,
'molecular_layer_HP': 214,
'hippocampal_fissure': 215,
'entorhinal_cortex': 216,
'molecular_layer_subiculum': 217,
'Amygdala': 218,
'Cerebral_White_Matter': 219,
'Cerebral_Cortex': 220,
'Inf_Lat_Vent': 221,
'Perirhinal': 222,
'Cerebral_White_Matter_Edge': 223,
'Background': 224,
'Ectorhinal': 225,
'Fornix': 250,
'CC_Posterior': 251,
'CC_Mid_Posterior': 252,
'CC_Central': 253,
'CC_Mid_Anterior': 254,
'CC_Anterior': 255}
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
show_surf(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])