Open source computer code

github repository contains lots of open code that may be useful
for scientific computing in general, or for fitting encoding models
to fMRI or neurophysiology data sets.

Pycortex is a python-based toolkit for surface visualization
of fMRI data. (It can also be used to visualize other types
of volumetric brain data.) The brain viewers on this site were
all generated using Pycortex. The 2015 publication describing
Pycortex can be found
here. Documentation for Pycortex can be found

CottonCandy is a scientific library for storing and accessing numpy array
data on an S3-compatible cloud storage instance. This is achieved
by reading arrays from memory and downloading arrays directly
into memory. This means that you don't have to download your array
to disk, and then load it from disk into your python session.
A paper describing CottonCandy can be found

Himalaya implements machine learning linear(ized) models in
Python, focusing on computational efficiency for large numbers
of targets. Himalaya efficiently estimates linear(ized) models
on large numbers of targets (for example, thousands of voxels in an
fMRI experiment), it runs on both CPU and GPU hardware, and it
provides estimators that are compatible with scikit-learn's API.
Himalaya is routinely used in our lab to fit voxelwise encoding
models to very large fMRI data sets. A paper describing Himalaya
can be found