Multiple-kernel ridge fit from fixed hyper-parameters

This example demonstrates how to fit a multiple-kernel ridge model with fixed hyper-parameters. Here are three different usecases:

  • If the kernel weights hyper-parameters are known and identical across targets, the kernels can be scaled and summed, and a simple KernelRidgeCV can be used to fit the model.

  • If the kernel weights hyper-parameters are unknown and different across targets, a MultipleKernelRidgeCV can be use to search the best hyper-parameters per target.

  • If the kernel weights hyper-parameters are known and different across targets, a WeightedKernelRidge model can be used to fit the ridge models on each target independently.

This method can be used for example in the following workflow:

  • fit a MultipleKernelRidgeCV to learn the kernel weights hyper-parameter,

  • save the hyper-parameters, but not the ridge weights to save disk space,

  • fit a WeightedKernelRidge from the saved hyper-parameters, for further use of the model (prediction, interpretation, etc.).

import numpy as np

from himalaya.backend import set_backend
from himalaya.kernel_ridge import WeightedKernelRidge
from himalaya.kernel_ridge import Kernelizer
from himalaya.kernel_ridge import ColumnKernelizer
from himalaya.utils import generate_multikernel_dataset

from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn import set_config

In this example, we use the torch_cuda backend (GPU).

backend = set_backend("torch_cuda", on_error="warn")

Generate a random dataset

  • X_train : array of shape (n_samples_train, n_features)

  • X_test : array of shape (n_samples_test, n_features)

  • Y_train : array of shape (n_samples_train, n_targets)

  • Y_test : array of shape (n_samples_test, n_targets)

(X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, kernel_weights,
 n_features_list) = generate_multikernel_dataset(n_kernels=4, n_targets=500,

Prepare the pipeline

# Find the start and end of each feature space X in Xs
start_and_end = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum(n_features_list)])
slices = [
    slice(start, end)
    for start, end in zip(start_and_end[:-1], start_and_end[1:])

# Create a different ``Kernelizer`` for each feature space.
kernelizers = [("space %d" % ii, Kernelizer(), slice_)
               for ii, slice_ in enumerate(slices)]
column_kernelizer = ColumnKernelizer(kernelizers)

Define the weighted kernel ridge model

Here we use the ground truth kernel weights for each target (deltas), but it can be typically used with deltas obtained from a MultipleKernelRidgeCV fit.

deltas = backend.log(backend.asarray(kernel_weights.T))

model_1 = WeightedKernelRidge(alpha=1, deltas=deltas, kernels="precomputed")
pipe_1 = make_pipeline(column_kernelizer, model_1)

# Fit the model on all targets, Y_train)
                 ColumnKernelizer(transformers=[('space 0', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(0, 1000, None)),
                                                ('space 1', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(1000, 2000, None)),
                                                ('space 2', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(2000, 3000, None)),
                                                ('space 3', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(3000, 4000, None))])),
                                     deltas=tensor([[ -2.3483,  -1.5064,  -2.1911,  ...,  -0.5428,  -1.9162,  -4.4647],
        [ -0.1063, -12.7539,  -1.0228,  ...,  -1.0741,  -0.7493, -11.5341],
        [ -5.2674,  -0.2560,  -2.3263,  ...,  -6.4705,  -5.0901,  -0.0359],
        [ -8.5610,  -5.4922,  -0.8417,  ...,  -2.5803,  -0.9836,  -3.7396]],
       device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float64),
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compute test score

test_scores_1 = pipe_1.score(X_test, Y_test)
test_scores_1 = backend.to_numpy(test_scores_1)

We can compare this model to a baseline model where the kernel weights are all equal and not learnt.

model_2 = WeightedKernelRidge(alpha=1, deltas="zeros", kernels="precomputed")
pipe_2 = make_pipeline(column_kernelizer, model_2)

# Fit the model on all targets, Y_train)
                 ColumnKernelizer(transformers=[('space 0', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(0, 1000, None)),
                                                ('space 1', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(1000, 2000, None)),
                                                ('space 2', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(2000, 3000, None)),
                                                ('space 3', Kernelizer(),
                                                 slice(3000, 4000, None))])),
                 WeightedKernelRidge(alpha=1, kernels='precomputed'))])
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compute test score

test_scores_2 = pipe_2.score(X_test, Y_test)
test_scores_2 = backend.to_numpy(test_scores_2)

Compare the predictions on a test set

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(4, 3))
plt.hist(test_scores_2, np.linspace(0, 1, 30), alpha=0.7,
         label="Default deltas")
plt.hist(test_scores_1, np.linspace(0, 1, 30), alpha=0.7,
         label="Ground truth deltas")
plt.xlabel("$R^2$ generalization score")
plt.ylabel("Number of voxels")
plot mkr 4 refit from deltas

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.382 seconds)

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