# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
from . import exact_geodesic
from . import subsurface
from .misc import _memo
class Surface(exact_geodesic.ExactGeodesicMixin, subsurface.SubsurfaceMixin):
"""Represents a single cortical hemisphere surface. Can be the white matter surface,
pial surface, fiducial (mid-cortical) surface, inflated surface, flattened surface,
Implements some useful functions for dealing with functions across surfaces.
pts : 2D ndarray, shape (total_verts, 3)
Location of each vertex in space (mm). Order is x, y, z.
polys : 2D ndarray, shape (total_polys, 3)
Indices of the vertices in each triangle in the surface.
def __init__(self, pts, polys):
self.pts = pts.astype(np.double)
self.polys = polys
self._cache = dict()
self._rlfac_solvers = dict()
self._nLC_solvers = dict()
def ppts(self):
"""3D matrix of points in each face: n faces x 3 points per face x 3 coords per point.
return self.pts[self.polys]
def connected(self):
"""Sparse matrix of vertex-face associations.
npt = len(self.pts)
npoly = len(self.polys)
return sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones((3*npoly,)), # data
(np.hstack(self.polys.T), # row
np.tile(range(npoly),(1,3)).squeeze())), # col
(npt, npoly)).tocsr() # size
def adj(self):
"""Sparse vertex adjacency matrix.
npt = len(self.pts)
npoly = len(self.polys)
adj1 = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones((npoly,)),
(self.polys[:,0], self.polys[:,1])), (npt,npt))
adj2 = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones((npoly,)),
(self.polys[:,0], self.polys[:,2])), (npt,npt))
adj3 = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones((npoly,)),
(self.polys[:,1], self.polys[:,2])), (npt,npt))
alladj = (adj1 + adj2 + adj3).tocsr()
return alladj + alladj.T
def face_normals(self):
"""Normal vector for each face.
# Compute normal vector direction
nnfnorms = np.cross(self.ppts[:,1] - self.ppts[:,0],
self.ppts[:,2] - self.ppts[:,0])
# Normalize to norm 1
nfnorms = nnfnorms / np.sqrt((nnfnorms**2).sum(1))[:,np.newaxis]
# Ensure that there are no nans (shouldn't be a problem with well-formed surfaces)
return np.nan_to_num(nfnorms)
def vertex_normals(self):
"""Normal vector for each vertex (average of normals for neighboring faces).
# Average adjacent face normals
nnvnorms = np.nan_to_num(self.connected.dot(self.face_normals) / self.connected.sum(1)).A
# Normalize to norm 1
return nnvnorms / np.sqrt((nnvnorms**2).sum(1))[:,np.newaxis]
def face_areas(self):
"""Area of each face.
# Compute normal vector (length is face area)
nnfnorms = np.cross(self.ppts[:,1] - self.ppts[:,0],
self.ppts[:,2] - self.ppts[:,0])
# Compute vector length
return np.sqrt((nnfnorms**2).sum(-1)) / 2
def cotangent_weights(self):
"""Cotangent of angle opposite each vertex in each face.
ppts = self.ppts
cots1 = ((ppts[:,1]-ppts[:,0]) *
(ppts[:,2]-ppts[:,0])).sum(1) / np.sqrt((np.cross(ppts[:,1]-ppts[:,0],
cots2 = ((ppts[:,2]-ppts[:,1]) *
(ppts[:,0]-ppts[:,1])).sum(1) / np.sqrt((np.cross(ppts[:,2]-ppts[:,1],
cots3 = ((ppts[:,0]-ppts[:,2]) *
(ppts[:,1]-ppts[:,2])).sum(1) / np.sqrt((np.cross(ppts[:,0]-ppts[:,2],
# Then we have to sanitize everything..
cots = np.vstack([cots1, cots2, cots3])
cots[np.isinf(cots)] = 0
cots[np.isnan(cots)] = 0
return cots
def laplace_operator(self):
"""Laplace-Beltrami operator for this surface. A sparse adjacency matrix with
edge weights determined by the cotangents of the angles opposite each edge.
Returns a 4-tuple (B,D,W,V) where D is the 'lumped mass matrix', W is the weighted
adjacency matrix, and V is a diagonal matrix that normalizes the adjacencies.
The 'stiffness matrix', A, can be computed as V - W.
The full LB operator can be computed as D^{-1} (V - W).
B is the finite element method (FEM) 'mass matrix', which replaces D in FEM analyses.
See 'Discrete Laplace-Beltrami operators for shape analysis and segmentation'
by Reuter et al., 2009 for details.
## Lumped mass matrix
D = self.connected.dot(self.face_areas) / 3.0
## Stiffness matrix
npt = len(self.pts)
cots1, cots2, cots3 = self.cotangent_weights
# W is weighted adjacency matrix
W1 = sparse.coo_matrix((cots1, (self.polys[:,1], self.polys[:,2])), (npt, npt))
W2 = sparse.coo_matrix((cots2, (self.polys[:,2], self.polys[:,0])), (npt, npt))
W3 = sparse.coo_matrix((cots3, (self.polys[:,0], self.polys[:,1])), (npt, npt))
W = (W1 + W1.T + W2 + W2.T + W3 + W3.T).tocsr() / 2.0
# V is sum of each col
V = sparse.dia_matrix((np.array(W.sum(0)).ravel(),[0]), (npt,npt))
# A is stiffness matrix
#A = W - V # negative operator -- more useful in practice
# For FEM:
Be1 = sparse.coo_matrix((self.face_areas, (self.polys[:,1], self.polys[:,2])), (npt, npt))
Be2 = sparse.coo_matrix((self.face_areas, (self.polys[:,2], self.polys[:,0])), (npt, npt))
Be3 = sparse.coo_matrix((self.face_areas, (self.polys[:,0], self.polys[:,1])), (npt, npt))
Bd = self.connected.dot(self.face_areas) / 6
dBd = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((Bd,[0]), (len(D),len(D)))
B = (Be1 + Be1.T + Be2 + Be2.T + Be3 + Be3.T)/12 + dBd
return B, D, W, V
def mean_curvature(self):
"""Compute mean curvature of this surface using the Laplace-Beltrami operator.
Curvature is computed at each vertex. It's probably pretty noisy, and should
be smoothed using smooth().
Negative values of mean curvature mean that the surface is folded inward
(as in a sulcus), positive values of curvature mean that the surface is
folded outward (as on a gyrus).
curv : 1D ndarray, shape (total_verts,)
The mean curvature at each vertex.
B,D,W,V = self.laplace_operator
npt = len(D)
Dinv = sparse.dia_matrix((D**-1,[0]), (npt,npt)).tocsr() # construct Dinv
L = Dinv.dot((V-W))
curv = (L.dot(self.pts) * self.vertex_normals).sum(1)
return curv
def smooth(self, scalars, factor=1.0, iterations=1):
"""Smooth vertex-wise function given by `scalars` across the surface using
mean curvature flow method (see http://brickisland.net/cs177fa12/?p=302).
Amount of smoothing is controlled by `factor`.
scalars : 1D ndarray, shape (total_verts,)
A scalar-valued function across the cortex, such as the curvature
supplied by mean_curvature.
factor : float, optional
Amount of smoothing to perform, larger values smooth more.
iterations : int, optional
Number of times to repeat smoothing, larger values smooths more.
smscalars : 1D ndarray, shape (total_verts,)
Smoothed scalar values.
if factor == 0.0:
return scalars
B,D,W,V = self.laplace_operator
npt = len(D)
lfac = sparse.dia_matrix((D,[0]), (npt,npt)) - factor * (W-V)
goodrows = np.nonzero(~np.array(lfac.sum(0) == 0).ravel())[0]
lfac_solver = sparse.linalg.dsolve.factorized(lfac[goodrows][:,goodrows])
to_smooth = scalars.copy()
for _ in range(iterations):
from_smooth = lfac_solver((D * to_smooth)[goodrows])
to_smooth[goodrows] = from_smooth
smscalars = np.zeros(scalars.shape)
smscalars[goodrows] = from_smooth
return smscalars
def avg_edge_length(self):
"""Average length of all edges in the surface.
adj = self.adj
tadj = sparse.triu(adj, 1) # only entries above main diagonal, in coo format
edgelens = np.sqrt(((self.pts[tadj.row] - self.pts[tadj.col])**2).sum(1))
return edgelens.mean()
def surface_gradient(self, scalars, at_verts=True):
"""Gradient of a function with values `scalars` at each vertex on the surface.
If `at_verts`, returns values at each vertex. Otherwise, returns values at each
scalars : 1D ndarray, shape (total_verts,)
A scalar-valued function across the cortex.
at_verts : bool, optional
If True (default), values will be returned for each vertex. Otherwise,
values will be returned for each face.
gradu : 2D ndarray, shape (total_verts,3) or (total_polys,3)
Contains the x-, y-, and z-axis gradients of the given `scalars` at either
each vertex (if `at_verts` is True) or each face.
pu = scalars[self.polys]
fe12, fe23, fe31 = [f.T for f in self._facenorm_cross_edge]
pu1, pu2, pu3 = pu.T
fa = self.face_areas
# numexpr is much faster than doing this using numpy!
#gradu = ((fe12.T * pu[:,2] +
# fe23.T * pu[:,0] +
# fe31.T * pu[:,1]) / (2 * self.face_areas)).T
gradu = np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate("(fe12 * pu3 + fe23 * pu1 + fe31 * pu2) / (2 * fa)").T)
if at_verts:
return (self.connected.dot(gradu).T / self.connected.sum(1).A.squeeze()).T
return gradu
def create_biharmonic_solver(self, boundary_verts, clip_D=0.1):
r"""Set up biharmonic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the cortical
mesh and precompute Cholesky factorization for solving it. The vertices listed in
`boundary_verts` are considered part of the boundary, and will not be included in
the factorization.
To facilitate Cholesky decomposition (which requires a symmetric matrix), the
squared Laplace-Beltrami operator is separated into left-hand-side (L2) and
right-hand-side (Dinv) parts. If we write the L-B operator as the product of
the stiffness matrix (V-W) and the inverse mass matrix (Dinv), the biharmonic
problem is as follows (with `u` denoting non-boundary vertices)
.. math::
L^2_{u} \phi &=& -\rho_{u} \\
\left[ D^{-1} (V-W) D^{-1} (V-W) \right]_{u} \phi &=& -\rho_{u} \\
\left[ (V-W) D^{-1} (V-W) \right]_{u} \phi &=& -\left[D \rho\right]_{u}
boundary_verts : list or ndarray of length V
Indices of vertices that will be part of the Dirichlet boundary.
lhs : sparse matrix
Left side of biharmonic problem, (V-W) D^{-1} (V-W)
rhs : sparse matrix, dia
Right side of biharmonic problem, D
Dinv : sparse matrix, dia
Inverse mass matrix, D^{-1}
lhsfac : cholesky Factor object
Factorized left side, solves biharmonic problem
notboundary : ndarray, int
Indices of non-boundary vertices
from scikits.sparse.cholmod import cholesky
factorize = lambda x: cholesky(x).solve_A
except ImportError:
factorize = sparse.linalg.dsolve.factorized
B, D, W, V = self.laplace_operator
npt = len(D)
g = np.nonzero(D > 0)[0] # Find vertices with non-zero mass
#g = np.nonzero((L.sum(0) != 0).A.ravel())[0] # Find vertices with non-zero mass
notboundary = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(npt)[g], boundary_verts) # find non-boundary verts
D = np.clip(D, clip_D, D.max())
Dinv = sparse.dia_matrix((D**-1,[0]), (npt,npt)).tocsr() # construct Dinv
L = Dinv.dot((V-W)) # construct Laplace-Beltrami operator
lhs = (V-W).dot(L) # construct left side, almost squared L-B operator
#lhsfac = cholesky(lhs[notboundary][:,notboundary]) # factorize
lhsfac = factorize(lhs[notboundary][:,notboundary]) # factorize
return lhs, D, Dinv, lhsfac, notboundary
def _create_interp(self, verts, bhsolver=None):
"""Creates interpolator that will interpolate values at the given `verts` using
biharmonic interpolation.
verts : 1D array-like of ints
Indices of vertices that will serve as knot points for interpolation.
bhsolver : (lhs, rhs, Dinv, lhsfac, notboundary), optional
A 5-tuple representing a biharmonic equation solver. This structure
is created by create_biharmonic_solver.
_interp : function
Function that will interpolate a given set of values across the surface.
The values can be 1D or 2D (number of dimensions by len `verts`). Any
number of dimensions can be interpolated simultaneously.
if bhsolver is None:
lhs, D, Dinv, lhsfac, notb = self.create_biharmonic_solver(verts)
lhs, D, Dinv, lhsfac, notb = bhsolver
npt = len(D)
def _interp(vals):
"""Interpolate function with values `vals` at the knot points."""
v2 = np.atleast_2d(vals)
nd,nv = v2.shape
ij = np.zeros((2,nv*nd))
ij[0] = np.array(verts)[np.repeat(np.arange(nv), nd)]
ij[1] = np.tile(np.arange(nd), nv)
r = sparse.csr_matrix((vals.T.ravel(), ij), shape=(npt,nd))
vr = lhs.dot(r)
#phi = lhsfac.solve_A(-vr.todense()[notb]) # 29.9ms
#phi = lhsfac.solve_A(-vr[notb]).todense() # 29.3ms
#phi = lhsfac.solve_A(-vr[notb].todense()) # 28.2ms
phi = lhsfac(-vr[notb].todense())
tphi = np.zeros((npt,nd))
tphi[notb] = phi
tphi[verts] = v2.T
return tphi
return _interp
def interp(self, verts, vals):
"""Interpolates a function between N knot points `verts` with the values `vals`.
`vals` can be a D x N array to interpolate multiple functions with the same
knot points.
Using this function directly is unnecessarily expensive if you want to interpolate
many different values between the same knot points. Instead, you should directly
create an interpolator function using _create_interp, and then call that function.
In fact, that's exactly what this function does.
See create_biharmonic_solver for math details.
verts : 1D array-like of ints
Indices of vertices that will serve as knot points for interpolation.
vals : 2D ndarray, shape (dimensions, len(verts))
Values at the knot points. Can be multidimensional.
tphi : 2D ndarray, shape (total_verts, dimensions)
Interpolated value at every vertex on the surface.
return self._create_interp(verts)(vals)
def _facenorm_cross_edge(self):
ppts = self.ppts
fnorms = self.face_normals
fe12 = np.cross(fnorms, ppts[:,1] - ppts[:,0])
fe23 = np.cross(fnorms, ppts[:,2] - ppts[:,1])
fe31 = np.cross(fnorms, ppts[:,0] - ppts[:,2])
return fe12, fe23, fe31
def approx_geodesic_distance(self, verts, m=0.1):
"""Computes approximate geodesic distance (in mm) from each vertex in
the surface to any vertex in the collection `verts`. This approximation
is computed using Varadhan's formula for geodesic distance based on the
heat kernel. This is very fast (quite a bit faster than `geodesic_distance`)
but very inaccurate. Use with care.
In short, we let heat diffuse across the surface from sources at `verts`,
and then look at the resulting heat levels in every other vertex to
approximate how far they are from the sources. In theory, this should
be very accurate as the duration of heat diffusion goes to zero. In
practice, short duration leads to numerical instability and error.
verts : 1D array-like of ints
Set of vertices to compute distance from. This function returns the shortest
distance to any of these vertices from every vertex in the surface.
m : float, optional
Scalar on the duration of heat propagation. Default 0.1.
1D ndarray, shape (total_verts,)
Approximate geodesic distance (in mm) from each vertex in the
surface to the closest vertex in `verts`.
npt = len(self.pts)
t = m * self.avg_edge_length ** 2 # time of heat evolution
if m not in self._rlfac_solvers:
B, D, W, V = self.laplace_operator
nLC = W - V # negative laplace matrix
spD = sparse.dia_matrix((D,[0]), (npt,npt)).tocsr() # lumped mass matrix
lfac = spD - t * nLC # backward Euler matrix
# Exclude rows with zero weight (these break the sparse LU)
goodrows = np.nonzero(~np.array(lfac.sum(0) == 0).ravel())[0]
self._goodrows = goodrows
self._rlfac_solvers[m] = sparse.linalg.dsolve.factorized(lfac[goodrows][:,goodrows])
# Solve system to get u, the heat values
u0 = np.zeros((npt,)) # initial heat values
u0[verts] = 1.0
goodu = self._rlfac_solvers[m](u0[self._goodrows])
u = np.zeros((npt,))
u[self._goodrows] = goodu
return -4 * t * np.log(u)
def geodesic_distance(self, verts, m=1.0, fem=False):
"""Minimum mesh geodesic distance (in mm) from each vertex in surface to any
vertex in the collection `verts`.
Geodesic distance is estimated using heat-based method (see 'Geodesics in Heat',
Crane et al, 2012). Diffusion of heat along the mesh is simulated and then
used to infer geodesic distance. The duration of the simulation is controlled
by the parameter `m`. Larger values of `m` will smooth & regularize the distance
computation. Smaller values of `m` will roughen and will usually increase error
in the distance computation. The default value of 1.0 is probably pretty good.
This function caches some data (sparse LU factorizations of the laplace-beltrami
operator and the weighted adjacency matrix), so it will be much faster on
subsequent runs.
The time taken by this function is independent of the number of vertices in verts.
verts : 1D array-like of ints
Set of vertices to compute distance from. This function returns the shortest
distance to any of these vertices from every vertex in the surface.
m : float, optional
Reverse Euler step length. The optimal value is likely between 0.5 and 1.5.
Default is 1.0, which should be fine for most cases.
fem : bool, optional
Whether to use Finite Element Method lumped mass matrix. Wasn't used in
Crane 2012 paper. Doesn't seem to help any.
1D ndarray, shape (total_verts,)
Geodesic distance (in mm) from each vertex in the surface to the closest
vertex in `verts`.
npt = len(self.pts)
if m not in self._rlfac_solvers or m not in self._nLC_solvers:
B, D, W, V = self.laplace_operator
nLC = W - V # negative laplace matrix
if not fem:
spD = sparse.dia_matrix((D,[0]), (npt,npt)).tocsr() # lumped mass matrix
spD = B
t = m * self.avg_edge_length ** 2 # time of heat evolution
lfac = spD - t * nLC # backward Euler matrix
# Exclude rows with zero weight (these break the sparse LU)
goodrows = np.nonzero(~np.array(lfac.sum(0) == 0).ravel())[0]
self._goodrows = goodrows
self._rlfac_solvers[m] = sparse.linalg.dsolve.factorized(lfac[goodrows][:,goodrows])
self._nLC_solvers[m] = sparse.linalg.dsolve.factorized(nLC[goodrows][:,goodrows])
# I. "Integrate the heat flow ̇u = ∆u for some fixed time t"
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Solve system to get u, the heat values
u0 = np.zeros((npt,)) # initial heat values
u0[verts] = 1.0
goodu = self._rlfac_solvers[m](u0[self._goodrows])
u = np.zeros((npt,))
u[self._goodrows] = goodu
# II. "Evaluate the vector field X = − ∇u / |∇u|"
# -----------------------------------------------
# Compute grad u at each face
gradu = self.surface_gradient(u, at_verts=False)
# Compute X (normalized grad u)
#X = np.nan_to_num((-gradu.T / np.sqrt((gradu**2).sum(1))).T)
graduT = gradu.T
gusum = ne.evaluate("sum(gradu ** 2, 1)")
X = np.nan_to_num(ne.evaluate("-graduT / sqrt(gusum)").T)
# III. "Solve the Poisson equation ∆φ = ∇·X"
# ------------------------------------------
# Compute integrated divergence of X at each vertex
#x1 = x2 = x3 = np.zeros((X.shape[0],))
c32, c13, c21 = self._cot_edge
x1 = 0.5 * (c32 * X).sum(1)
x2 = 0.5 * (c13 * X).sum(1)
x3 = 0.5 * (c21 * X).sum(1)
conn1, conn2, conn3 = self._polyconn
divx = conn1.dot(x1) + conn2.dot(x2) + conn3.dot(x3)
# Compute phi (distance)
goodphi = self._nLC_solvers[m](divx[self._goodrows])
phi = np.zeros((npt,))
phi[self._goodrows] = goodphi - goodphi.min()
# Ensure that distance is zero for selected verts
phi[verts] = 0.0
return phi
def geodesic_path(self, a, b, max_len=1000, d=None, **kwargs):
"""Finds the shortest path between two points `a` and `b`.
This shortest path is based on geodesic distances across the surface.
The path starts at point `a` and selects the neighbor of `a` in the
graph that is closest to `b`. This is done iteratively with the last
vertex in the path until the last point in the path is `b`.
Other Parameters in kwargs are passed to the geodesic_distance
function to alter how geodesic distances are actually measured
a : int
Vertex that is the start of the path
b : int
Vertex that is the end of the path
d : array
array of geodesic distances, will be computed if not provided
Other Parameters
max_len : int, optional, default=1000
Maximum path length before the function quits. Sometimes it can get stuck
in loops, causing infinite paths.
m : float, optional
Reverse Euler step length. The optimal value is likely between 0.5 and 1.5.
Default is 1.0, which should be fine for most cases.
fem : bool, optional
Whether to use Finite Element Method lumped mass matrix. Wasn't used in
Crane 2012 paper. Doesn't seem to help any.
path : list
List of the vertices in the path from a to b
path = [a]
if d is None:
d = self.geodesic_distance([b], **kwargs)
while path[-1] != b:
n = np.array([v for v in self.graph.neighbors(path[-1])])
if len(path) > max_len:
return path
return path
def _cot_edge(self):
ppts = self.ppts
cots1, cots2, cots3 = self.cotangent_weights
c3 = cots3[:,np.newaxis] * (ppts[:,1] - ppts[:,0])
c2 = cots2[:,np.newaxis] * (ppts[:,0] - ppts[:,2])
c1 = cots1[:,np.newaxis] * (ppts[:,2] - ppts[:,1])
c32 = c3 - c2
c13 = c1 - c3
c21 = c2 - c1
return c32, c13, c21
def _polyconn(self):
npt = len(self.pts)
npoly = len(self.polys)
o = np.ones((npoly,))
c1 = sparse.coo_matrix((o, (self.polys[:,0], range(npoly))), (npt, npoly)).tocsr()
c2 = sparse.coo_matrix((o, (self.polys[:,1], range(npoly))), (npt, npoly)).tocsr()
c3 = sparse.coo_matrix((o, (self.polys[:,2], range(npoly))), (npt, npoly)).tocsr()
return c1, c2, c3
def boundary_vertices(self):
"""return mask of boundary vertices
algorithm: for simple mesh, every edge appears in either 1 or 2 polys
1 -> border edge
2 -> non-border edge
first = np.hstack(
self.polys[:, 0],
self.polys[:, 1],
self.polys[:, 2],
second = np.hstack(
self.polys[:, 1],
self.polys[:, 2],
self.polys[:, 0],
polygon_edges = np.vstack([first, second])
polygon_edges = np.vstack([polygon_edges.min(axis=0), polygon_edges.max(axis=0)])
sort_order = np.lexsort(polygon_edges)
sorted_edges = polygon_edges[:, sort_order]
duplicate_mask = (sorted_edges[:, :-1] == sorted_edges[:, 1:]).sum(axis=0) == 2
nonduplicate_mask = np.ones(sorted_edges.shape[1], dtype=bool)
nonduplicate_mask[:-1][duplicate_mask] = False
nonduplicate_mask[1:][duplicate_mask] = False
border_mask = np.zeros(self.pts.shape[0], dtype=bool)
border_mask[sorted_edges[:, nonduplicate_mask][0, :]] = True
border_mask[sorted_edges[:, nonduplicate_mask][1, :]] = True
return border_mask
def iter_surfedges(self):
for a, b, c in self.polys:
yield a, b
yield b, c
yield a, c
def iter_surfedges_weighted(self):
"""iterate through edges
- same iteration order as self.edge_lengths
- border edges will be iterated once, non-border edges will be iterated twice
distances = self.edge_lengths
n_edges = distances.size / 3
for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(self.polys):
yield a, b, distances[i]
yield b, c, distances[i + n_edges]
yield a, c, distances[i + 2 * n_edges]
def graph(self):
"""NetworkX undirected graph representing this Surface.
import networkx as nx
graph = nx.Graph()
return graph
def get_graph(self):
return self.graph
def edge_lengths(self):
"""return vector of edge lengths
- same iteration order as iter_surfedges_listed()
- border edges will be iterated once, non-border edges will be iterated twice
n_edges = self.polys.shape[0]
edges = np.zeros((n_edges * 3, 3))
edges[:n_edges, :] = self.ppts[:, 0, :] - self.ppts[:, 1, :]
edges[n_edges:(2 * n_edges), :] = self.ppts[:, 1, :] - self.ppts[:, 2, :]
edges[(2 * n_edges):, :] = self.ppts[:, 2, :] - self.ppts[:, 0, :]
edges **= 2
distances = edges.sum(axis=1)
distances **= 0.5
return distances
def weighted_distance_graph(self):
import networkx as nx
weighted_graph = nx.Graph()
return weighted_graph
def polyhedra(self, wm):
'''Iterates through the polyhedra that make up the closest volume to a certain vertex'''
for p, facerow in enumerate(self.connected):
faces = facerow.indices
pts, polys = _ptset(), _quadset()
if len(faces) > 0:
poly = np.roll(self.polys[faces[0]], -np.nonzero(self.polys[faces[0]] == p)[0][0])
assert pts[wm[p]] == 0
assert pts[self.pts[p]] == 1
pts[wm[poly[[0, 1]]].mean(0)]
pts[self.pts[poly[[0, 1]]].mean(0)]
for face in faces:
poly = np.roll(self.polys[face], -np.nonzero(self.polys[face] == p)[0][0])
a = pts[wm[poly].mean(0)]
b = pts[self.pts[poly].mean(0)]
c = pts[wm[poly[[0, 2]]].mean(0)]
d = pts[self.pts[poly[[0, 2]]].mean(0)]
e = pts[wm[poly[[0, 1]]].mean(0)]
f = pts[self.pts[poly[[0, 1]]].mean(0)]
polys((0, c, a, e))
polys((1, f, b, d))
polys((1, d, c, 0))
polys((1, 0, e, f))
polys((f, e, a, b))
polys((d, b, a, c))
yield pts.points, np.array(list(polys.triangles))
def patches(self, auxpts=None, n=1):
def align_polys(p, polys):
x, y = np.nonzero(polys == p)
y = np.vstack([y, (y+1)%3, (y+2)%3]).T
return polys[np.tile(x, [3, 1]).T, y]
def half_edge_align(p, pts, polys):
poly = align_polys(p, polys)
mid = pts[poly].mean(1)
left = pts[poly[:,[0,2]]].mean(1)
right = pts[poly[:,[0,1]]].mean(1)
s1 = np.array(np.broadcast_arrays(pts[p], mid, left)).swapaxes(0,1)
s2 = np.array(np.broadcast_arrays(pts[p], mid, right)).swapaxes(0,1)
return np.vstack([s1, s2])
def half_edge(p, pts, polys):
poly = align_polys(p, polys)
mid = pts[poly].mean(1)
left = pts[poly[:,[0,2]]].mean(1)
right = pts[poly[:,[0,1]]].mean(1)
stack = np.vstack([mid, left, right, pts[p]])
return stack[(distance.cdist(stack, stack) == 0).sum(0) == 1]
for p, facerow in enumerate(self.connected):
faces = facerow.indices
if len(faces) > 0:
if n == 1:
if auxpts is not None:
pidx = np.unique(self.polys[faces])
yield np.vstack([self.pts[pidx], auxpts[pidx]])
yield self.pts[self.polys[faces]]
elif n == 0.5:
if auxpts is not None:
pts = half_edge(p, self.pts, self.polys[faces])
aux = half_edge(p, auxpts, self.polys[faces])
yield np.vstack([pts, aux])
yield half_edge_align(p, self.pts, self.polys[faces])
raise ValueError
yield None
def edge_collapse(self, p1, p2, target):
raise NotImplementedError
face1 = self.connected[p1]
face2 = self.connected[p2]
class _ptset(object):
def __init__(self):
self.idx = OrderedDict()
def __getitem__(self, idx):
idx = tuple(idx)
if idx not in self.idx:
self.idx[idx] = len(self.idx)
return self.idx[idx]
def points(self):
return np.array(list(self.idx.keys()))
class _quadset(object):
def __init__(self):
self.polys = dict()
def __call__(self, quad):
idx = tuple(sorted(quad))
if idx in self.polys:
del self.polys[idx]
self.polys[idx] = quad
def triangles(self):
for quad in list(self.polys.values()):
yield quad[:3]
yield [quad[0], quad[2], quad[3]]