moten.extras module

Compute total motion energy from greyscale videos.

class moten.extras.StimulusTotalMotionEnergy(video_file, size=None, nimages=inf, batch_size=1000, output_nonlinearity=<function pointwise_square>, dtype='float32', mask=None)[source]

Bases: object

Compute the principal components of the total motion energy.

Total motion energy is defined as the squared difference between the previous and current frame. The pixel-by-pixel covariance of the total energy is computed frame-by-frame. Then, the spatial principal components are estimated. In a second pass, the temporal principal components are computed by projecting the total energy onto the spatial components.

  • video_file (str) – Full path to the video file. The video must be greyscale.

  • size (optional, tuple (vdim, hdim)) – The desired output image size. If specified, the image is scaled or shrunk to this size. If not specified, the original size is kept.

  • nimages (optional, int) – If specified, only nimages frames are loaded.

  • batch_size (optional, int) – Number of frames to process simultaneously while computing the pixel covariances.

  • output_nonlinearity (optional, function) – Defaults to point-wise square.


The time-by-pixel total motion energy matrix is defined as \(T\). Its singular value decomposition is \(U S V^{\intercal} = T\). The spatial components are \(V\) and the temporal components are \(U\).

As implemented in this class,

  • The spatial components computed are as above (\(V\)).

  • The temporal compoonents are scaled by their singular values (\(US\)).

  • The eigenvalues are the squared singular values (\(S^2\)).

  • decomposition_spatial_pcs (np.ndarray, (npixels, npcs))

  • decomposition_temporal_pcs (list, (ntimepoints, npcs))

  • decomposition_eigenvalues (np.ndarray, (min(npixels, nframes),))


>>> import moten.extras
>>> video_file = ''
>>> small_size = (36, 64) # (vdim, hdim)
>>> totalmoten = moten.extras.StimulusTotalMotionEnergy(video_file, small_size, nimages=300)
>>> totalmoten.compute_pixel_by_pixel_covariance()
>>> totalmoten.compute_spatial_pcs(npcs=10)
>>> totalmoten.compute_temporal_pcs()

Compute the pixel-by-pixel covariance of the total energy video.


Covariance is estimated in batches.


generator (optional) – The video frame difference generator. Defaults to the video_file used to instantiate the class.

  • covariance_pixbypix (np.ndarray, (npixels, npixels)) – The full covarianc matrix

  • covariance_nframes (int) – Number of frames used in estimating the covariance matrix. Defaults to the total number of frames in the video.

  • npixels (int) – Total number of pixels in the video (after downsampling).


Compute the principal components from the pixel-by-pixel total energy covariance matrix.


npcs (optional, int) – Number of principal components to keep

  • decomposition_spatial_pcs (np.ndarray, (npixels, npcs))

  • decomposition_eigenvalues (np.ndarray)

compute_temporal_pcs(generator=None, skip_first=False)[source]

Extract the temporal principal components of the total motion energy.

  • generator (optional) – The video frame difference generator. Defaults to the video_file used to instantiate the class.

  • skip_first (optional, bool) – By default, set the first timepoint of all the PCs is set to zeros because the first timepoint corresponds to the difference between the first frame and nothing. If skip_first=True, then the first frame is removed from the timecourse.


decomposition_temporal_pcs (list, (ntimepoints, npcs)) – The temporal compoonents are scaled by their singular values (\(US\)).


Return a video buffer that generates the difference between the previous and the current frame.

moten.extras.pixbypix_covariance_from_frames_generator(data_generator, batch_size=1000, output_nonlinearity=<function pointwise_square>, dtype='float32')[source]

Compute the pixel-by-pixel covariance from a video frame generator in batches.

  • data_generator (generator object) – Yields a video frame of shape (vdim, hdim)

  • batch_size (optional, int) – Number of frames to process simultaneously while

  • output_nonlinearity (optiona, function) – A pointwise function applied to the pixels of each frame.


>>> import moten
>>> video_file = ''
>>> small_size = (36, 64)  # downsample to (vdim, hdim) 16:9 aspect ratio
>>> fdiffgen =, size=small_size, nimages=333)
>>> nimages, XTX = moten.extras.pixbypix_covariance_from_frames_generator(fdiffgen) 
moten.extras.process_motion_energy_from_files(filenames, size=None, nimages=inf, batch_size=1000, dtype='float32', mask=None)[source]