
class cortex.dataset.Dataset(**kwargs)[source]

Wrapper for multiple data objects. This often does not need to be used explicitly–for example, if a dictionary of data objects is passed to cortex.webshow, it will automatically be converted into a Dataset.

All kwargs should be BrainData or Dataset objects.




Add the BrainData or Dataset objects in kwargs into this dataset.

from_file(filename[, subject])

Load a pycortex Dataset (cortex.Dataset class) from a file

get_mask(subject, xfmname, maskname)

get_overlay(subject[, type])

get_surf(subject, type[, hemi, merge, nudge])

get_xfm(subject, xfmname)


Adds the given prefix to the name of every data object and returns a new Dataset.

save([filename, pack])


Return the set of unique BrainData objects contained by this dataset