Plotting Geodesic DistancesΒΆ

This plots the distances (in mm) between a vertex or set of vertices and all other vertices on a surface. These two operations take the exact same amount of time to run.

To look at the distance to a single point, just supply the index of that vertex. To look at the distance to a set of points, supply a numpy array of all of the vertices in the area. In the case of a set of points, the geodesic distance measure will return the minimum distance to the set of points as a whole.

The two hemispheres must be run separately.

  • plot geodesic distance
  • plot geodesic distance
** (inkscape:5101): WARNING **: 21:56:21.288: Failed to wrap object of type 'GtkRecentManager'. Hint: this error is commonly caused by failing to call a library init() function.
** (inkscape:5114): WARNING **: 21:56:25.504: Failed to wrap object of type 'GtkRecentManager'. Hint: this error is commonly caused by failing to call a library init() function.

import cortex
import cortex.polyutils
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

subject = "S1"

# First we need to import the surfaces for this subject
surfs = [cortex.polyutils.Surface(*d)
         for d in cortex.db.get_surf(subject, "fiducial")]

# Then we will pick one vertex in each hemisphere to find distances to
vert = 10000
dists = [s.geodesic_distance(vert) for s in surfs]

# Now we can plot these distances onto a flatmap
all_dists = np.hstack((dists[0], dists[1]))
dist_map = cortex.Vertex(all_dists, subject, cmap="hot")

# Alternatively, you can find the minimum distance from a set of points to the
# surface
# Here, we use an example of an ROI
all_eba = cortex.utils.get_roi_verts(subject, "EBA")["EBA"]

# We have to then separate these vertices by hemisphere
numl = surfs[0].pts.shape[0]
eba_verts = [all_eba[all_eba < numl], all_eba[all_eba >= numl] - numl]

# Now look at geodesic distances for each hemisphere separately
dists = [s.geodesic_distance(verts) for s, verts in zip(surfs, eba_verts)]
all_dists = np.hstack((dists[0], dists[1]))

# And now plot these distances onto the cortical surface
dist_map = cortex.Vertex(all_dists, subject, cmap="hot")

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 13.402 seconds)

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