Source code for cortex.surfinfo

Contains functions for computing various surface properties. Mostly wrappers
for functions in `polyutils.Surface` and `polyutils.Distortion`.

import os
import shlex
import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess as sp

import numpy as np

from . import utils
from . import polyutils
from .database import db
from .xfm import Transform

[docs] def curvature(outfile, subject, smooth=20): """ Compute smoothed mean curvature of the fiducial surface for the given subject and save it to `outfile`. Parameters ---------- outfile : str Path where the curvature map will be saved as an npz file. subject : str Subject in the pycortex database for whom curvature will be computed. smooth : float, optional Amount of smoothing to apply to the curvature map. Default 20. """ curvs = [] for pts, polys in db.get_surf(subject, "fiducial"): surf = polyutils.Surface(pts, polys) curv = surf.smooth(surf.mean_curvature(), smooth) curvs.append(curv) np.savez(outfile, left=curvs[0], right=curvs[1])
[docs] def distortion(outfile, subject, dist_type='areal', smooth=20): """ Compute distortion of flatmap relative to fiducial surface and save it at `outfile`. Several different types of distortion are available: 'areal': computes the areal distortion for each triangle in the flatmap, defined as the log ratio of the area in the fiducial mesh to the area in the flat mesh. Returns a per-vertex value that is the average of the neighboring triangles. See: 'metric': computes the linear distortion for each vertex in the flatmap, defined as the mean squared difference between distances in the fiducial map and distances in the flatmap, for each pair of neighboring vertices. See Fishl, Sereno, and Dale, 1999. Parameters ---------- outfile : str Path where the distortion map will be saved as an npz file. subject : str Subject in the pycortex database for whom distortion will be computed. dist_type : ['areal', 'metric'], optional Type of distortion to compute. Default 'areal'. smooth : float, optional Amount of smoothing to apply to the distortion map before returning. Default 20. """ distortions = [] for hem in ["lh", "rh"]: fidvert, fidtri = db.get_surf(subject, "fiducial", hem) flatvert, flattri = db.get_surf(subject, "flat", hem) surf = polyutils.Surface(fidvert, fidtri) dist = getattr(polyutils.Distortion(flatvert, fidvert, flattri), dist_type) smdist = surf.smooth(dist, smooth) distortions.append(smdist) np.savez(outfile, left=distortions[0], right=distortions[1])
[docs] def thickness(outfile, subject): """ Compute cortical thickness as the distance between corresponding pial and white matter vertices for the given subject. Note that this is slightly different than the method used by Freesurfer, and will yield ever-so-slightly different results. Parameters ---------- outfile : str Path where the thickness map will be saved. subject : str Subject in the pycortex database for whom cortical thickness will be computed. """ pl, pr = db.get_surf(subject, "pia") wl, wr = db.get_surf(subject, "wm") left = np.sqrt(((pl[0] - wl[0])**2).sum(1)) right = np.sqrt(((pr[0] - wr[0])**2).sum(1)) np.savez(outfile, left=left, right=right)
[docs] def tissots_indicatrix(outfile, sub, radius=10, spacing=50): """ Compute a Tissot's indicatrix for the given subject and save the result to a file. This involves randomly filling in discs of fixed geodesic radius on the fiducial surface. See's_indicatrix for more info. Parameters ---------- outfile : str Path where the indicatrix map will be saved. sub : str Subject in the pycortex database for whom the indicatrix will be computed. radius : float, optional The geodesic radius of each disc in mm. Default 10. spacing : float, optional The minimum distance between disc centers in mm. Default 50. """ tissots = [] allcenters = [] for hem in ["lh", "rh"]: fidpts, fidpolys = db.get_surf(sub, "fiducial", hem) #G = make_surface_graph(fidtri) surf = polyutils.Surface(fidpts, fidpolys) nvert = fidpts.shape[0] tissot_array = np.zeros((nvert,)) centers = [np.random.randint(nvert)] cdists = [surf.geodesic_distance(centers)] while True: ## Find possible vertices mcdist = np.vstack(cdists).min(0) possverts = np.nonzero(mcdist > spacing)[0] #possverts = np.nonzero(surf.geodesic_distance(centers) > spacing)[0] if not len(possverts): break ## Pick random vertex centervert = possverts[np.random.randint(len(possverts))] centers.append(centervert) print("Adding vertex %d.." % centervert) dists = surf.geodesic_distance([centervert]) cdists.append(dists) ## Find appropriate set of vertices selverts = dists < radius tissot_array[selverts] = 1 tissots.append(tissot_array) allcenters.append(np.array(centers)) # make an array of objects to allow different lengths for each hemisphere allcenters = np.array(allcenters, dtype="object") np.savez(outfile, left=tissots[0], right=tissots[1], centers=allcenters)
[docs] def flat_border(outfile, subject): flatpts, flatpolys = db.get_surf(subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True) flatpolyset = set([tuple(x) for x in flatpolys]) fidpts, fidpolys = db.get_surf(subject, "fiducial", merge=True, nudge=True) fidpolyset = set([tuple(x) for x in fidpolys]) fidonlypolys = fidpolyset - flatpolyset fidonlypolyverts = np.unique(np.array(list(fidonlypolys)).ravel()) fidonlyverts = np.setdiff1d(fidpolys.ravel(), flatpolys.ravel()) import networkx as nx def iter_surfedges(tris): for a,b,c in tris: yield a,b yield b,c yield a,c def make_surface_graph(tris): graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_edges_from(iter_surfedges(tris)) return graph bounds = [p for p in polyutils.trace_poly(polyutils.boundary_edges(flatpolys))] allbounds = np.hstack(bounds) g = make_surface_graph(fidonlypolys) fog = g.subgraph(fidonlyverts) badverts = np.array([v for v,d in if d<2]) g.remove_nodes_from(badverts) fog.remove_nodes_from(badverts) mwallset = set.union(*(set(g[v]) for v in fog.nodes())) & set(allbounds) #cutset = (set(g.nodes()) - mwallset) & set(allbounds) mwallbounds = [np.in1d(b, mwallset) for b in bounds] changes = [np.nonzero(np.diff(b.astype(float))!=0)[0]+1 for b in mwallbounds] #splitbounds = [np.split(b, c) for b,c in zip(bounds, changes)] splitbounds = [] for b,c in zip(bounds, changes): sb = [] rb = [b[-1]] + b rc = [1] + (c + 1).tolist() + [len(b)] for ii in range(len(rc)-1): sb.append(rb[rc[ii]-1 : rc[ii+1]]) splitbounds.append(sb) ismwall = [[s.mean()>0.5 for s in np.split(mwb, c)] for mwb,c in zip(mwallbounds, changes)] aspect = (height / (flatpts.max(0) - flatpts.min(0))[1]) lpts = (flatpts - flatpts.min(0)) * aspect rpts = (flatpts - flatpts.min(0)) * aspect #im ='RGBA', (int(aspect * (flatpts.max(0) - flatpts.min(0))[0]), height)) #draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) ismwalls = [] lines = [] for bnds, mw, pts in zip(splitbounds, ismwall, [lpts, rpts]): for pbnd, pmw in zip(bnds, mw): #color = {True:(0,0,255,255), False:(255,0,0,255)}[pmw] #draw.line(pts[pbnd,:2].ravel().tolist(), fill=color, width=2) ismwalls.append(pmw) lines.append(pts[pbnd,:2]) np.savez(outfile, lines=lines, ismwalls=ismwalls)