"""Contains functions for making alignments between functional data and the surface, or, finding where the brain is.
import os
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
import warnings
from builtins import input
import numpy as np
from .database import db
from .options import config
from .xfm import Transform
def mayavi_manual(subject, xfmname, reference=None, **kwargs):
"""Open GUI for manually aligning a functional volume to the cortical surface for `subject`. This
creates a new transform called `xfm`. The name of a nibabel-readable file (e.g. nii) should be
supplied as `reference`. This image will be copied into the database.
To modify an existing functional-anatomical transform, `reference` can be left blank, and the
previously used reference will be loaded.
When the GUI is closed, the transform will be saved into the pycortex database. The GUI requires
Mayavi support.
subject : str
Subject identifier.
xfmname : str
String identifying the transform to be created or loaded.
reference : str, optional
Path to a nibabel-readable image that will be used as the reference for this transform.
If given the default value of None, this function will attempt to load an existing reference
image from the database.
kwargs : dict
Passed to mayavi_aligner.get_aligner.
m : 2D ndarray, shape (4, 4)
Transformation matrix.
warnings.warn("This is the old cortex.align.manual(), and has been "
"deprecated. Please use the new cortex.align.manual() "
"(previously cortex.align.fs_manual()), which uses "
"the `freeview` program in the freesurfer suite, to "
"perform manual alignment.", DeprecationWarning
from .database import db
from .mayavi_aligner import get_aligner
def save_callback(aligner):
db.save_xfm(subject, xfmname, aligner.get_xfm("magnet"), xfmtype='magnet', reference=reference)
print("saved xfm")
def view_callback(aligner):
print('view-only mode! ignoring changes')
# Check whether transform w/ this xfmname already exists
view_only_mode = False
db.get_xfm(subject, xfmname)
# Transform exists, make sure that reference is None
if reference is not None:
raise ValueError('Refusing to overwrite reference for existing transform %s, use reference=None to load stored reference' % xfmname)
# if masks have been cached, quit! user must remove them by hand
from glob import glob
if len(glob(db.get_paths(subject)['masks'].format(xfmname=xfmname, type='*'))):
print('Refusing to overwrite existing transform %s because there are cached masks. Delete the masks manually if you want to modify the transform.' % xfmname)
checked = False
while not checked:
resp = input("Do you want to continue in view-only mode? (Y/N) ").lower().strip()
if resp in ["y", "yes", "n", "no"]:
checked = True
if resp in ["y", "yes"]:
view_only_mode = True
print("Continuing in view-only mode...")
raise ValueError("Exiting...")
print("Didn't get that, please try again..")
except IOError:
# Transform does not exist, make sure that reference exists
if reference is None or not os.path.exists(reference):
raise ValueError('Reference image file (%s) does not exist' % reference)
m = get_aligner(subject, xfmname, epifile=reference, **kwargs)
m.save_callback = view_callback if view_only_mode else save_callback
return m
def fs_manual(subject, xfmname, **kwargs):
"""Legacy name for cortex.align.manual. Please use that function, and see the help there."""
warnings.warn(("Deprecated name - function has been renamed cortex.align.manual"
"This function name will be removed in a future release."
), DeprecationWarning)
return manual(subject, xfmname, **kwargs)
def manual(subject, xfmname, output_name="register.lta", wm_color="yellow",
pial_color="blue", wm_surface='white', noclean=False, reference=None, inspect_only=False):
"""Open Freesurfer FreeView GUI for manually aligning/adjusting a functional
volume to the cortical surface for `subject`. This creates a new transform
called `xfmname`. The name of a nibabel-readable file (e.g. NIfTI) should be
supplied as `reference`. This image will be copied into the database.
IMPORTANT: This function assumes that the resulting .lta file is saved as:
"{default folder chosen by FreeView (should be /tmp/fsalign_xxx)}/{output_name}".
NOTE: Half-fixed some potential bugs in here, related to assumptions about how
results from mri_info calls would be formatted. IFF .dat files are written
based on nii files that have been stripped of their headers, then there will
be an extra line at the top stating that the coordinates are assumed to be in mm.
Without this line, the code here fails. Seems brittle, ripe for future bugs.
ALSO: all the freesurfer environment stuff shouldn't be necessary, except that
I don't know what vox2ras-tkr is doing.
Renamed from fs_manual() to manual(), since old manual() function was no longer
supported (or functional) for a while due to changes in mayavi.
subject : str
Subject identifier.
xfmname : str
The name of the transform to be modified.
output_name : str
The name of the .lta file generated after FreeView editing.
wm_color : str | "blue"
Color of the white matter surface. Default is "blue". This can
also be adjusted in the FreeView GUI.
pial_color : str | "red"
Color of the pial surface. Default is "red". This can also be adjusted
the FreeView GUI.
noclean : boolean | False
If True, intermediate files will not be removed from /tmp/fsalign_xxx
(this is useful for debugging things), and the returned value will be
the name of the temp directory. Default False.
reference : str
name of reference (generally, functional) volume. Only provide this if
you are working from scratch (if no transform exists already), else
it will throw an error.
inspect_only : boolean | False
Whether to open transform to view only (if True, nothing is saved
when freeview is closed)
wm_surface : string
name for white matter surface to use. 'white' or 'smoothwm'
Nothing unless noclean is true.
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
from .database import db
from .xfm import Transform
retval = None
cache = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="fsalign_")
sub_xfm = db.get_xfm(subject, xfmname)
# if masks have been cached, quit! user must remove them by hand
from glob import glob
masks_exist = len(glob(db.get_paths(subject)['masks'].format(xfmname=xfmname, type='*')))
if masks_exist and not inspect_only:
print('Refusing to overwrite existing transform %s because there are cached masks. Delete the masks manually if you want to modify the transform.' % xfmname)
raise ValueError('Exiting...')
if reference is not None:
raise ValueError('Refusing to overwrite extant reference for transform')
except IOError:
if reference is None:
print("Transform does not exist!")
if reference is None:
# Load load extant transform-relevant things
reference = sub_xfm.reference.get_filename()
_ = sub_xfm.to_freesurfer(os.path.join(cache, "register.dat"), subject) # Transform in freesurfer .dat format
# Command for FreeView and run
cmd = ("freeview -v $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/mri/orig.mgz "
"{ref}:reg={reg} "
"-f $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/lh.{wms}:edgecolor={wmc} $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/rh.{wms}:edgecolor={wmc} "
"$SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/lh.pial:edgecolor={pialc} $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/rh.pial:edgecolor={pialc}")
cmd = cmd.format(sub=subject, ref=reference, reg=os.path.join(cache, "register.dat"),
wmc=wm_color, pialc=pial_color, wms=wm_surface)
print('=== Calling (NO REFERENCE PROVIDED): ===')
# Command for FreeView and run
cmd = ("freeview -v $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/mri/orig.mgz "
"{ref} "
"-f $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/lh.{wms}:edgecolor={wmc} $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/rh.{wms}:edgecolor={wmc} "
"$SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/lh.pial:edgecolor={pialc} $SUBJECTS_DIR/{sub}/surf/rh.pial:edgecolor={pialc}")
cmd = cmd.format(sub=subject, ref=reference,
wmc=wm_color, pialc=pial_color,
print('=== Calling: ===')
if not inspect_only:
sfile = os.path.join(cache, output_name)
print('\nREGISTRATION MUST BE SAVED AS:\n\n{}'.format(sfile))
# Run and save transform when user is done editing
if sp.call(cmd, shell=True) != 0:
raise IOError("Problem with FreeView!")
if not inspect_only:
# Convert transform into .dat format
# Unclear why we're not just saving in .dat format above...?
reg_dat = os.path.join(cache, os.path.splitext(output_name)[0] + ".dat")
cmd = "lta_convert --inlta {inlta} --outreg {regdat}"
cmd = cmd.format(inlta=os.path.join(cache, output_name), regdat=reg_dat)
if sp.call(cmd, shell=True) != 0:
raise IOError("Error converting lta into dat!")
# Save transform to pycortex
xfm = Transform.from_freesurfer(reg_dat, reference, subject)
db.save_xfm(subject, xfmname, xfm.xfm, xfmtype='coord', reference=reference)
print("saved xfm", xfmname)
except Exception as e:
if not noclean:
retval = cache
return retval
def automatic_fsl(
subject, xfmname, reference, noclean=False, bbrtype="signed", pre_flirt_args=""
"""Perform automatic alignment using the FLIRT boundary-based alignment (BBR) from
FSL. The `reference` image and resulting transform called `xfmname` will be
automatically stored in the database.
If `noclean` is set to True, intermediate files will not be removed from /tmp.
It's good practice to open up this transform afterward in the manual aligner and
check how it worked. Do that using the following code (passing the same `subject`
and `xfmname` used here, no need for `reference`):
> cortex.align.manual(subject, xfmname)
If automatic alignment with FSL fails, you can try giving the pre-BBR FLIRT
some hints by passing '-usesqform' in as `pre_flirt_args`. Alternatively, you can
use `cortex.align.automatic` to use Freesurfer's bbregister, which tends to work
better than FSL.
subject : str
Subject identifier.
xfmname : str
Name of the transform to be created and stored in the database.
reference : str
Path to a nibabel-readable image that will be used as the reference for
this transform. Usually, this is a single (3D) functional data volume.
noclean : bool, optional
If True, intermediate files will not be removed from /tmp (this is useful
for debugging things), and the returned value will be the name of the
temp directory. Default False.
bbrtype : str, optional
The 'bbrtype' argument that is passed to FLIRT.
pre_flirt_args : str, optional
Additional arguments that are passed to the FLIRT pre-alignment step (not BBR).
None or path to temp directory if `noclean` is True.
retval = None
cache = tempfile.mkdtemp()
absreference = os.path.abspath(reference)
fsl_prefix = config.get("basic", "fsl_prefix")
schfile = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "bbr.sch")
raw = db.get_anat(subject, type="raw").get_filename()
bet = db.get_anat(subject, type="brainmask").get_filename()
wmseg = db.get_anat(subject, type="whitematter").get_filename()
# Compute anatomical-to-epi transform
print("FLIRT pre-alignment")
cmd = (
"{fslpre}flirt -in {epi} -ref {bet} -dof 6 {pre_flirt_args} "
"-omat {cache}/init.mat"
cmd = cmd.format(
if sp.call(cmd, shell=True) != 0:
raise IOError("Error calling initial FLIRT")
print("Running BBR")
# Run epi-to-anat transform (this is more stable than anat-to-epi in FSL!)
cmd = (
"{fslpre}flirt -in {epi} -ref {raw} -dof 6 -cost bbr -wmseg {wmseg} "
"-init {cache}/init.mat -omat {cache}/out.mat -schedule {schfile} "
"-bbrtype {bbrtype}"
cmd = cmd.format(
if sp.call(cmd, shell=True) != 0:
raise IOError("Error calling BBR flirt")
x = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(cache, "out.mat"))
# Pass transform as FROM epi TO anat; transform will be inverted
# back to anat-to-epi, standard direction for pycortex internal
# storage by from_fsl
xfm = Transform.from_fsl(x, absreference, raw)
xfm.save(subject, xfmname, "coord")
if not noclean:
retval = cache
return retval
def automatic(
"""Perform automatic alignment using Freesurfer's boundary-based registration.
The `reference` image and resulting transform called `xfmname` will be automatically
stored in the database.
If `noclean` is set to True, intermediate files will not be removed from /tmp.
It's good practice to open up this transform afterward in the manual aligner and
check how it worked. Do that using the following code (passing the same `subject`
and `xfmname` used here, no need for `reference`):
> cortex.align.manual(subject, xfmname)
subject : str
Subject identifier.
xfmname : str
Name of the transform to be created and stored in the database.
reference : str
Path to a nibabel-readable image that will be used as the reference for
this transform. Usually, this is a single (3D) functional data volume.
init : str, optional
One of "coreg", "fsl", "header", or a path to a transform from the reference
volume to the anatomical volume.
Specifies the initialization method to obtain a first alignment that will be
refined with bbregister. Default is "coreg", which uses Freesurfer's `mri_coreg`
and it generally performs best. Other options include "fsl" to use FSL's FLIRT
or "header" to assume that the reference and the anatomical are already close
enough (this option can be used when the reference and the anatomical are
acquired in the same session). Finally, you can also specify a path to a
transform file (in DAT or LTA format) that will be used as initialization.
epi_mask : bool, optional
If True, then the flag --epi-mask is passed to bbregister to mask out areas
with spatial distortions. This setting recommended whenever the reference was
not distortion corrected.
intermediate : str
Path to a nibabel-readable image that will be used as intermediate volume
for alignment. This is useful if the reference image has a small field-of-view
and a whole-brain image was acquired in the same session.
reference_contrast : str
Contrast of the reference image. This is used to determine the appropriate
contrast for the reference image in the bbregister command. Default is "t2"
(for BOLD): gray matter is brighter than white matter.
The alternative option is "t1": white matter is brighter than gray matter.
noclean : bool, optional
If True, intermediate files will not be removed from /tmp (this is useful
for debugging things), and the returned value will be the name of the
temp directory. Default False.
None or path to temp directory if `noclean` is True.
"Defaults changed in pycortex 1.2.8. Now automatic alignment uses Freesurfer's "
"bbregister and mri_coreg for initialization. If you want to use FSL's BBR, "
"use the function `cortex.align.automatic_fsl` instead."
retval = None
cache = tempfile.mkdtemp()
reference = os.path.abspath(reference)
print("Running freesurfer BBR")
# Start building the command
cmd = f"bbregister --s {subject} --mov {reference} --reg {cache}/register.dat "
cmd += f"--{reference_contrast}"
if init in ["coreg", "fsl", "header"]:
cmd += f" --init-{init}"
init = os.path.abspath(init)
cmd += f" --init-reg {init}"
if epi_mask:
cmd += " --epi-mask"
if intermediate is not None:
intermediate = os.path.abspath(intermediate)
cmd += f" --int {intermediate}"
cmd = cmd.format(sub=subject, absref=reference, cache=cache)
if sp.call(cmd.split()) != 0:
raise IOError("Error calling freesurfer BBR!")
xfm = Transform.from_freesurfer(
os.path.join(cache, "register.dat"), reference, subject
# Save as pycortex 'coord' transform
xfm.save(subject, xfmname, "coord")
# Load mincost to provide some information
# The four values stored in .mincost are
# 1. quality of the registration (0 to 1, with 0 is perfect)
# 2. mean of WM just below the surface
# 3. mean of GM just above the surface
# 4. percent contrast
# https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/MultiModalTutorialV6.0/MultiModalRegistration
# Let's return only the quality of the registration
mincost = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(cache, "register.dat.mincost"))
f"bbregister finished with a mincost of {mincost[0]:.2f}\n"
"Values between 0 and 0.5 indicate a good registration.\n"
"But you should manually inspect the alignment anyway."
if not noclean:
retval = cache
return retval
def autotweak(subject, xfmname):
"""Tweak an alignment using the FLIRT boundary-based alignment (BBR) from FSL.
Ideally this function should actually use a limited search range, but it doesn't.
It's probably not very useful.
subject : str
Subject identifier.
xfmname : str
String identifying the transform to be tweaked.
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
from .database import db
from .options import config
from .xfm import Transform
fsl_prefix = config.get("basic", "fsl_prefix")
schfile = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "bbr.sch")
magnet = db.get_xfm(subject, xfmname, xfmtype='magnet')
cache = tempfile.mkdtemp()
epifile = magnet.reference.get_filename()
raw = db.get_anat(subject, type='raw').get_filename()
bet = db.get_anat(subject, type='brainmask').get_filename()
wmseg = db.get_anat(subject, type='whitematter').get_filename()
initmat = magnet.to_fsl(db.get_anat(subject, 'raw').get_filename())
with open(os.path.join(cache, 'init.mat'), 'w') as fp:
np.savetxt(fp, initmat, fmt='%f')
print('Running BBR')
cmd = '{fslpre}flirt -in {epi} -ref {raw} -dof 6 -cost bbr -wmseg {wmseg} -init {cache}/init.mat -omat {cache}/out.mat -schedule {schfile}'
cmd = cmd.format(cache=cache, raw=raw, wmseg=wmseg, epi=epifile)
if sp.call(cmd, shell=True) != 0:
raise IOError('Error calling BBR flirt')
x = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(cache, "out.mat"))
# Pass transform as FROM epi TO anat; transform will be inverted
# back to anat-to-epi, standard direction for pycortex internal
# storage by from_fsl
Transform.from_fsl(x, epifile, raw).save(subject, xfmname+"_auto", 'coord')
print('Saved transform as (%s, %s)'%(subject, xfmname+'_auto'))